Why The Upcoming Raids Will Be a Disaster: ICE is Dangerously Inaccurate

He was attempting to enter the country with conflicting documentation and a birth certificate that was falsified by his mother, if you are looking to blame someone, look no further than his mother.

When was he attempting to enter the country illegally?

The mother has herself to blame for conflicting documentation, but my issue is not with the reason the person was being detained.

He was detained for THREE WEEKS!!! He’s a god damn US Citizen!!! He does have rights!!!

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That isn’t what happened at all.

To some that doesn’t matter.

In the great crusade, if some eggs are broken… so be it.

Collateral damage. That’s all it is. And Cons don’t give one single ■■■■ about it.

No, he was found at a checkpoint 100 miles north of the border.

Galicia had his Texas state identification, a wallet-sized birth certificate and his social security card, Galan said.

He also had a Mexican tourist visa with him that inaccurately lists his country of birth as Mexico, setting up a conflicting nationality claim, Galan said.

A US citizen, 100 miles north of the border, with a valid birth certificate, SS card and state ID is detained for over 3 weeks because of a tourist visa his Mom falsified. This is all justified in your mind? Seems like you could justify a whole lot in your world.

Where do you see the word illegally in my post?

I see no evidence his rights were violated. Being a US citizen does not make you immune from detention. Did you want them to hand a minor over to a woman who wasn’t listed on his birth certificate as his mother before ascertaining she was indeed his mother?

His birth certificate was not valid. It was falsified by his mother when she gave a phony name.

My mistake… when did he attempt to enter the country with conflicting documentation?

What case are you referring to… he is 18.5 years old… who is the minor?

I assumed he was a juvenile, given all the statements in this thread about his being a child. In any case, minor or not, given his falsified birth certificate and his conflicting documentation with his travel visa listing him as a citizen of Mexico, I am not overly concerned he was denied entry until that could be cleared up. Nor did he have to remain in custody, I assume he would have been permitted to voluntarily leave and return back to Mexico at any time under a voluntary departure agreement, at which time he could have worked on getting the matter cleared up while he remained free.

He was not denied entry returning from Mexico. He was detained at a checkpoint 50 miles from the border. Inside the US on a state highway

He has a Texas ID that one can only get by being a citizen.

But that could be fake too…I guess we must assume guilt and he’s got to prove he’s innocent.

Because a big government bureaucracy now onna hair trigger because of zero tolerance would never EVER make a mistake. Conservatives trust government, don’t they?

No he wasn’t. He never left the state of texas

“His mom lied a long time ago therefore this US citizen deserves what he’s getting” is a fascinating conservative defense of a government bureaucracy.


I know, this is absurd reasoning to reach a twisted conclusion.

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And why does a mother who entered illegally justify the detention of a citizen?

And that he was not returning from Mexico is his assertion. In any case, we allow the border patrol to enforce the border up to a hundred miles inland. I realize democrats want illegals to be home free five feet over the border but I disagree with them on that point. He was an adult, he knew or should have known his birth certificate was falsified, making all of his subsequent ID predicated on that falsified document invalid.