Why straight pride event are stupid

Maybe MOST straight people have the decency to not be slobbering over their significant other while others are watching. When I was in the Air Force , heterosexual PDA was not permitted while in uniform. Public display of affection is frowned upon in many places where decent people go. But of course homosexers want special privileges.

Yep i knowna guy who was assulted for kissing his wife… said no one ever


I’ve spelled out for you what a perversion is. Nothing more to say.

Some opinions are more valid than others.

Maybe they could try to earn it instead of demanding it with penis and vagina costumes.

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So just homosexuality is a perversion nothing else?

They can demand all they want.
I demand a million bucks. Let’s see if I get it. Let’s see if they get their respect.

Homophobia is a denying mindset just like racism.

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Homosexuality isnt a perversion, its socially acceptable.

Demand vs earn

See what I mean?

They are earning it, they have earned the right to marriage the right to adopt, etc

You libs just just contradicted yourselves.

My dad considered premarital sex a perversion…was he right?

Replace homosexuality with African american and you will see how stupid your arugment is

Umm… you should check in with the other few billion people in the world.

It never has been and it never will be. At most, acceptance is “legislated”

We are talking about America not the middle east

Why? Do you not consider middle eastern people human?

200 years African American were property. Things change get on bored or get out of the way

Same-sex couples are unable to marry or adopt, and households headed by such couples are ineligible for the same legal protections available to opposite-sex couples.


We are talking about America not China