You remember wrong. My first comment would show that.
As far as the rest.
I am not interested in the same fights and discussions that you are.
The Right has won the gun debate. No one is taking away your guns.
Racism is a sticky subject because I honestly believe that the majority of people don’t consider themselves to be racist so when instances of institutional racism rear up from time to time they feel that it is an attack on them instead of that institution.
The Trans thing is the new gay. Gay people won the their fight… for the most part… so a new target had to emerge. It’s trans people. It’s real upsetting to me when it is trans kids who are the target because I know a couple of them and it it isn’t easy… and the fact that there is a whole group of people out there who actively want to make their lives worse… for no real reason upsets me.
I am sure it would upset anyone when someone who they care about kid is under constant scrutiny just for being outside of the norm.
But the issue gets attention… even though we are talking about a very small minority because it gets people whipped up against an other… and that sells.