Why isn't the private sector capable of saving itself?

$4trillion all because businesses don’t know how to have an emergency fund and need to STEAL my money for one

Where you living at Bro? Really, our country is hurting and you are spreading some weird notions. Bro, we are all in it together. Come out if your saferoom for a few minutes. Good grief, my eldest son is losing so much and trying to take care of his employees. His wife just lost her job.

As a family we are helping each other. As a community we are helping each other. I am going try and help some of his employees myself.v And you sir are spouting your notions like a yellow waterfall. Man, I do not want to get started. My youngest works at a hospital. I cannot promise his safety. And I 30 years retired military, 70, and still working. So, I am the one who is really ■■■■■■■ right, bro. Have a nice liberal saferoom night.

And get your feet off the ■■■■■■■ table.

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And furthermore, I spent 30 years in the military for people like you and AOC, it must be karma.

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Welcome to socialism

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Sorry Mr Sikofit. There is a difference between human compassion, love of country and the American dream, … and … ■■■■■■■ communism. I am not in agreement with many of your notions. Actually I cannot think of any since I first met you. Although I try hard to be civil and agreeable.


By saving, taxes are irrelevant since they pass it on to the customer remember.

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That they don’t have emergency funds is their own fault.

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you really have absolutely no idea how either a business or taxes work.

You are taxed on your net profit.

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You guys are the ones that tell me that corps pass their expenses on to the customer.

They do where they can but the profit margin doesn’t change.

Do you only have a maximum of a 10% profit margin how are you going to how are you going Sade any substantial money while still trying to give your employees raises benefits Etc or add new employees, or expand the business in other ways?

Please explain in detail

They do where they can but the profit margin doesn’t change.

If you only have a maximum of a 10% profit margin how are you going to how are you going save any substantial money while still trying to give your employees raises benefits Etc or add new employees, or expand the business in other ways?

Please explain in detail

If workers can save so can corps.

So you have no actual idea thanks for clearing it up.

So when profits are made none of it can be set aside. Got it.

Taco Bell is an example of giving back to the community during these difficult time.

From their CEO: >


There’s a distinct group of brave people – from healthcare workers, to teachers, to grocery store employees – who are making sure the world keeps running, and we need to make sure we all do our part to take care of them. Around the world, our franchisees have committed to feeding these special individuals, and in the U.S., many of our franchisees have quickly mobilized to do the same. Beginning next week, we are turning all of our Taco Trucks into mobile commissaries, bringing food to community heroes and those who work in essential roles every day.

While most of our restaurants are operating only through the drive-thru, this leaves some truck and ambulance drivers unable to quickly order from us. We are working with our franchisees on a solution for this where possible, and we want to make sure this group knows how much we appreciate everything they’re doing.

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Of course nobody but you ever said that.

This is why you aren’t worth wasting time on.

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Come on mobulis, knock it off. You are better than that. Who gave you a wedgie?

Ha ha. Someone got their undies in bunch and riding on the other crazy notions. I hope he knocks it off.

I think AOC hypnotized our progressive friends with her flapping wings.

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So when profits are made none of it can be set aside. Got it.

close brother Bo, but those aren’t wings…