Why isn't the private sector capable of saving itself?

You mean like getting bailed out and having large corporate welfare and tax programs available so they don’t have to pay living wages?

No company has a “multi-month” “emergency fund.”

sorry, but that’s idiotic

find a new narrative to rage about

No ■■■■ have you been reading the thread?

Oh btw, apple has almost 12 months operating expenses cash on hand

The only reason our government can print 2 trillion dollars is because of what the US private sector has done for the past 100 years.

Thanks to corporate welfare

Who makes the laws?

Politicians paid off by big business

this is stupid


The government strangled the private sector by shutting down the damn economy in case you haven’t noticed.

Instead of rebelling it is the private sector that is stepping up to save the government by producing what is necessary to get us through this outbreak.

In case you haven’t noticed it was the government that shut down the economy strangling the private sector.

Instead of rebelling the private sector is stepping up to save the country by producing what is necessary to get us through this outbreak.

That’s a fantasy world. The government’s first priority is protecting its own self-interest and growing itself.

Are government in fact the federal government at least is under no obligation at all for texting people.

So your in support of 70% of all businesses in the US (big, medium, and small) being forced to close.

Who are “all the CEOs and private sector leaders”? How many? Which ones if not all? What kind of conferencing would you recommend?

He won’t.

Yes they can.

That’s the way the free market is supposed to work.

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Where do you get 70%? That’s a lot of irresponsibility

Businesses only scrape by year in year out? Better bail them out when times get tough.

Low wage worker barely scrapes by year in year out? They need to bootstrap and are lazy socialists for wanting government help.

I thought the talking point was they would just pass it on to the consumer so they aren’t ever paying the tax.

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Lol the government’s priority is to maintain its authority.

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