Why is the President's approval on the rise?

I heard they poll only slightly higher than the Taliban. :smirk:

Maybe. But as shown in the above post, the polling is proving me to be right. These people are making fools of themselves and normal people are starting to notice.

Back to believing polls now I see

I believe what I see. I’ve been watching the freak show. We’ll probably have to put that ABC chick on suicide watch come November. She’s a hot mess. And by that I mean she’s kinda hot. But she’s a total mess. :high_heel:

Which ABC chick?


Her. So at least for once you must concede that I am half right.

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Rotten comparison and perspective.

Biden won’t beat him

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No need to waste his valuable time.

Shows he trusts them.

Agree. The task force has been accessable and transparent.

She’s OK.

Tough to top the Birx appeal.

I heard that the only way the media’s approval ratings could go lower was for Nancy Pelosi to quit congress and become CNN chief Whitehouse corespondent.

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Well Hillary is officially a piece of ■■■■■ ■■■■ that bitch.

I take it you saw her tweet?

Certainly did.

Bet she laughed while she was writing it.

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Why are Trump’s approval #'s on the Rise…

Because his administration is doing a very good job dealing with a horrible situation.

It’s simple really.

Because we are going through a crises and in times of crisis the country tends to band together. Happened with every modern crisis. If anything the notable thing is that it hasn’t increased more