Why is the Affordable Care Act Popular?

It’s the disrespect for me.

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Disrespect to who or what? Why can’t they have vices and ebt?

Disrespect to the people they are taking from.

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I think that’s what being described is abuse of alchohol and ebt. That’s disrespectful and wrong.

But we haven’t gotten there yet in the other conversation.

It’s the same with takers no matter the program.

Do people have to pay a deductible for healthcare? I have never known that. I have only heard of it.

I don’t think there is a problem with people who has a family member who works and who receive ebt legally and buy alchohol

Potato chips are a vice. Candy is a vice

There is a Difference between indulging and abuse imo even in these situations.

There are sure as heck people on ebt who abuse drugs and alchohol.

I disagree. If somebody is going to bless me, I have an obligation to be a good steward of that blessing.


I bought a $3 Americano the other day with a Twenty. The barista handed me back a wad of $1 bills in change. :wink:

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Anybody who claims Obamacare is popular in front of my nephew should immediately duck after saying it. :rofl:


It’s more about priorities.

Don’t take all your money and blow it on booze or whatever and then expect the taxpayers to pick up the bill for food. I’m all for helping people when they need it but you can’t tell me that there aren’t people who game the system.


I wish your girlfriend all the best in her new career! It takes a strong person to work in a field like that. And if you ever want to change careers feel free to join me at the USPS!

Why is it that you are calling it blowing it on booze?

That’s the part i don’t understand. May be i don’t understand the relationship some people have with booze then.

LOTS of people.

Because in this god awful health system, crappy coverage is still better than no coverage.


Try and take them away at your own peril.


Because that’s what it is. Alcohol is a luxury. It does nothing positive for one. It is an expense with no ROI. It is a negative for health. It is addictive.

Nothing positive for one trying to climb out a hole.

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Lots of illegal people.

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Working in health care , I can remember when so many people were so excited they had insurance. They would make appts to get their MRI and when they realized they had to pay their $5,000 deductible before their insurance paid anything, they realized having insurance really didn’t mean they could afford their healthcare. They realized that healthcare must be a priority above big tvs and $1000 cell phones and $60,000 vehicles , etc.

No one I know cares about the “ affordable care act”.

Good question.

Nothing about it should be popular.