Free goodies. Doesn’t change that it is lawless. The meaning of the Constitution dosen’t change just because time has passed or lowlifes named Roosevelt got elected.
The polling that shows a solid majority back the ACA demonstrates that it has the support of many people who do not participate.
Why? Because they know someone who does participate. Because they appreciate the reassurance they get that knowing something is there were they to need it. Some may even recognize that states that accepted the Medicare expansion are experiencing much less of a crisis with rural hospital closings than adjacent states that have resisted it.
I won’t do that. I’ve actually already got it planned out if I get accepted.
We are going to use it solely to buy affordable food we cook ourselves, like chicken or pork chops. Anything expensive like cuts of steak I’m not going to use it for. Basically the money I would have been spending on cheap food will instead go to my credit card debt (which isn’t out of control yet but it’s enough that I feel like I’m an entry level serf to Amex, Capitol One, and Goldman Sachs). Plus we will only be on it until August. As soon as she gets her first check, that ■■■■ is getting swiped fast since her pay will be roughly 3 grand per check.
We only might qualify right now because she’s technically unemployed and I don’t make a whole hell of a lot. And the kid. Their Medicare coverage will get swiped too because her and the kid will be going on her state provided insurance as soon as she starts physically working.