Why is democratic socialism bad?

I love how everyone is deflecting to simply saying “socialism” is bad and not actually addressing the topic of social democracies.

go ahead with your examples of failed capitalism?


Because equality of outcome is equal, not fair. And there is a difference.

Because no matter how they are chosen, but especially if elected, pols steal.

Because there are producers and there are takers.

Because Americans are mostly individualistic.

Because socialism kills ambition and fosters mediocrity.

Because we fought a war for the right to be individuals.

I can do this all night…


not a good example.

With social security, Medicare, Medicaid, and welfare, we have a degree of socialism here. So, mission accomplished. Now, go home.

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  1. The word “democratic”
  2. The word “socialism”

Once you’re dependent upon the state, how long do you think it will be “democratic”?

But only in moderation, not full blown socialism.

Moderation. As in alcohol consumption. A little will make you stupid, more will make you puke, and to much will kill you. The healthiest option is to abstain.
That’s actually a good analogy to socialism.


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Am home, you leave.


Some degree of social engineering has been going on in this country for over a hundred years. Socialism can mean many things to different people. I’m ok with Democrats running on socialism and open borders. Do it.

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Because it is only “democratic” for the majority. It is forced upon the rest.


Name one capitalist society that failed.

Silicon Valley

Sounds awful lot like charity giving. The amount of money a worker pumps into it makes no sense to not take that money and have a health savings account or IRA investment that would pay more to that individual.


Silicon Valley is the ultimate meritocracy, and the absolute example of what happens when you privatize things that should be public. The market valuation of the major companies in Silicon Valley exceed the GDP of countries like Russia and South Korea. Jeff Bezos is worth more than most small countries, yet people are dying in his warehouses because they can’t stop working for long enough to take a bathroom break or they’ll be fired. It took ten years for Zuckerberg to go from being worth nothing to being one of the richest men in the world to completely losing control of his own platform because there are little to no regulations. There’s a world where a few billionaires pick their pet charities and try to do something noble, while their workers can’t even live in the cities where their offices are located. Silicon Valley is the most innovative concept in human history and it has produced almost nothing that genuinely enriches the human experience.


No its not.