Why is Black support for Trump surging?

How do you, as a Christian, overlook the racist record of Joe Biden? Is it just a conservative talking point that Biden was absolutely opposed to bussing back in the 70s? Is it a lie that he was a great admirer of Robert Byrd and Strom Thurmond? Who are those “poor” kids that he said we’re just as smart as white kids? What did he mean when he was referring to a “jungle?”

These questions are not “whataboutism” or defending Trump. It’s about an underlying truth that you just don’t want to acknowledge.

I don’t like a lot of things about Trump. I do support the Republican/conservative ideology over the Democrat/Lib ideology and if Donald Trump is a flawed man ( we all are) who doesn’t always, or hasn’t always upheld those ideas, he’s far closer to upholding them than Biden.

Seriously, what has Joe Biden done to help the African American communities in our country in 50 years of political service? For that matter, what did Barack Obama do to improve the lives of Black Americans.

Joe Biden said flat out to a black man that if he didn’t know who to vote for “YOU AIN’T BLACK!” I truly do not understand how you could not find that an extremely offensive and racist statement on many levels.

You said you have a duty to support BLM. I’m very aware of the racism that has been an unfortunate and too often tragic part of America. Yes, Blacks have, more than any other minority, been the victims of it, but again I don’t understand how you give Democrats a pass. Do you truly not realize the truth that the states and big cities where racism has taken the biggest toll on blacks have been run by Democrat mayor’s and governors for decades? This is not a talking point, it is a matter of record. Throughout the 60s, Democrats had the governorships and mayorships of almost every major city where the worst of the oppression and riots took place.

As a Christian, I support Christ first ( though I admit that doesn’t always show in my actions and words) You said you support BLM and Biden, yet Biden supports some very un Christian things. Abortion, and now government funded abortion at that, is a very big anti Christian thing. He has even changed his view of that as a lifelong Catholic. How do you literally ignore his record while slamming Trump’s?

I’ll be honest, I don’t give a flying flip about Trump or Biden, but at this time here in the United States I will not be to voting for Donald J. Trump. Is it the lesser of 2 evils, maybe…it probably is. However, I have no love for this current GOP or the democrats because both parties are full of crap. Democrats have used my community for votes in the same way the GOP have used the Body of Christ. AS it relates to Biden and the black community people like to bring up, “Biden supported the crime bill that hurt African American’s”, well hell both democrats and republicans supported and voted for that same bill and the GOP voted for it unanimously. What has happened to the black community in this country has been a bi-partisan effort. Republicans or democrats are not innocent or can be excluded from being the root cause of issues of black people in this country since before 1776. By right as an African/Jamaican American, well a black person and a Christian, I really shouldn’t be voting for none of them.

Also, you bring up abortion, personally I’m against abortion. However, I have no heaven or hell to put a woman in who has one. That is something she’s going to have to take up with God on judgement day. Real talk, every political cycle the GOP trot out abortion and prey on our convictions. They can raise hell, have piss poor/dangerous policies and be overall terrible people, but all they need to say to us…“Well we’re against abortion”, and we go right ahead and vote for them. To hell with everything else. I voted for Dubya twice and many other GOP candidates here in MD because of it.
If we can be totally honest, most of them jokers don’t even care about life beyond the womb anyway, but claim to be pro-life. Trump is not genuine when it comes to abortion because he supported pro-choice candidates and policies until Bannon and other GOP operatives went up to Trump tower and told him that he has to be Pro-life in order to be taken seriously. All he needed to say and I’m paraphrasing… “sure I can be pro-life, is that it”, and we fell for it. As long as these rich Republican and Democrat politicians and those of wealth and power continue to have illicit relations outside of marriage abortion isn’t going anywhere.

At the end of the day, you can spare me in trying to big up Trump and this current GOP while at the same time dismissing democrats. Trump’s record is trash, as a person he’s trash and both the Democrat party and this current Republican party is trash too.


Excellent and honest post! Thanks.

I like Rasmethesen.


I just found another interesting thing on Rasmussen.

Eighteen percent (18%) say most white Americans are racist. But 25% believe most black Americans are racist. Fifteen percent (15%) think most Hispanic-Americans are racist, while nearly as many (13%) say the same of most Asian-Americans

Btw, the below part makes zero sense.

Among adults who think racism refers only to discrimination by whites, 36% consider most white Americans racist versus 21% who feel that way about most black Americans. Sixteen percent (16%) of these adults say most Hispanic-Americans are racist, and 19% feel most Asian-Americans are racist.

That’s what the left fixate in all right… Everything is about taking control.

Bet’s open to you, mate. I will wager my avie against yours for three months that Trump doesn’t crack ten percent of the black vote.

You’ve got nothing to lose? No skin in the game. :sunglasses:

If I lose you get control over my avie for three months. The wager is our avies. Couldn’t have been clearer about this.

Oh great. Just what I give a rat’s ass about. Thanks but I’d rather have a pizza. :sunglasses:

Guess you’re not as confident as you claim.

or your avatar isn’t as important to me as you thought? :sunglasses:

btw…a pizza bet still stands if…you’re confident?

Trump isn’t going to get more than 10% of the Black vote. And Rasmussen wasn’t that accurate during the 2018 midterms.

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How did they do in the 2016 Presidential?

Now that takes me back. Avatar bets!

Makes me wish we still had sig lines. Those were the best bets to win.

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Then be specific. Don’t hide behind generalities and innuendo, if you have something to say, say it.

So when multiple polls come up with similar results that is now defined as “an outlier”?

As I showed it isn’t a single poll showing the same thing.

Which other polls show that ?

I already posted one.