Why is an uncreated creator necessary?

I’m not following this. If I describe gravity with mathematics and am able to predict the movement of mass, does gravity not exist? Which laws are you referring to?

While I believe in a personal God, I can see why people reject God as a literal “big beard in the sky” which sometimes appears in western art work. Eastern Christianity embraces mysteries that are beyond human comprehension.

“For you are God ineffable, inconceivable, invisible, incomprehensible, ever existing, yet ever the same . . .”–Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

You may be interested in this website from a Jewish physicist who believes that Genesis is consistent with modern quantum mechanics. The basic idea is that until there was an observer, “Adam”, there was just a probability function. Once Adam existed, his observation collapsed the probability function and the universe as we know it became reality.

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I’ve heard of this- been a long time since I read up on it.

Will check it out…thanks.

I’m just saying that laws are just humans attempting to describe nature.

You could create matter from energy.

“Object” does not imply a creator, but “creation” does.

Creation does not imply that the creator was conscious, intentional, singular or any other feature of the creator.

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That assumes something was created. Quantum particles wink in and out of existence without a creator.

The word “creation” implies a creator.
When one says that quantum particles are a part of creation, one implies a creator.
When one says that quantum particles are a part of the universe, no such implication is made.

To put it another way, “is there a creator” is the same question as “is the universe a creation.”

Most atheists follow ABG theory, which is “Anything but God”.

As I see it, time is a function of change. Wherever there is change, there must be time: a before and an after.

There was no “before” the singularity “here”.

Well that’s because there’s no evidence for god.

In order for matter to exist at all, there has to be change. Time is a construct we use to measure the rate of change, but space and time are one in of itself.

You don’t need matter for change to occur. Two or three non-physical persons having a conversation would need to do that in time: one speaking before another responds afterwards.

The universe.

Is not evidence of god.

Correct, you need change for matter.

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