Why I won't donate to ASPCA

Even though I am for humane treatment of animals, and pretty much despise abusers, I just won’t give to this and many other charities because they either support things I oppose or don’t really actually do much of what they SAY they are devoted to.

I don’t think I would donate to them if they supported what I like, because they should stick to their stated mission.


Did you just decide based on this one article? Or did you do your homework and seek out other information about the ASPCA?

This has more details

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We discussed this in December, I believe.

I would never donate to ASPCA.

However, local SPCAs are NOT related to the ASPCA organization and most of them do deserve support.

Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket

~Eric Hoffer


And the ASPCA, with their never-ending tear-jerking ads about donating to save dogs lives, when they are pretty big on killing unwanted dogs [Position Statement on Euthanasia | ASPCA],

In many areas of the country there are more pets than there are appropriate homes. The ASPCA believes that unwanted pets deserve a dignified, painless death

seems to confirm your comment. It’s cheaper to kill these animals rather than use the donations to care for them.

I mainly give to just four entities that have little to no admin costs and the money goes to where the rubber meets the road. We have similar thoughts about giving @Ceasar

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While most charities have expenses, the key is how much of what they take in goes to animals?

75% is fairly good, certainly not less than 2%, which is what the OP may be implying.

Program does not have to mean going to shelters and animal welfare. Like the article spells out it go to stuff like anti-farming. The 2% number was for money to shelters and came from their own tax forms.

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From everything I have read The Blaze article is inaccurate and this accusation is not backed up by the charities IRS filings.

That said I prefer to donate to my local animal shelters here in Indy but YMMV.

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The info came from their tax filing.

People Eating Tasty Animals

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Damn that would be perfect for my keto diet

Since we are on the subject…

Here’s something you all might want to take a look at.

It’s deeper than you think!

This is what this asinine complaint is about, @Caesar?

The ASPCA and 40 other animal rights groups are leading an effort to place a nationwide moratorium on new and expanding large animal feeding operations.

The treatment of animals is involved in these operations that they are lobbying against. Maybe the operations aren’t cruel, but this is hardly outside of the purview of the ASPCA’s mission.

Agricultural operations involving animals involve concerns about animal cruelty, which is part of the ASPCA’s freakin’ name.

No ■■■■■ Read what was written.

Let me be more to the point.

Any organization with the letters ‘SPCA’ in it is usually connected to a local animal shelter (such as CNYSPCA).

Same thing with the words ‘Humane Society’.

The ‘animal liberation’ movement has hijacked this in order to push their extreme ‘total animal liberation’ theology, which has zero to do with actual animal welfare, but is more like pushing all animals out into the wild, and let nature decide who lives and dies.

Does that help?