Why has rioting left the headlines?

What does this relate to?

The OP title, clearly.

It left the headlines because of Trump’s covid diagnosis and the debates. Y’all played the Antifa hand too soon.

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Now it is clearly. If I Google “US protests 17/10/2020” nothing recent comes up. Either the AI is crap, or it’s algorithmed to hide news on that topic.

I get riots in Thailand, Turkey, Canada, but nothing in the US.

Interesting. I do recall seeing stories online about the halfwits in Portland tearing down statues of Lincoln and Roosevelt earlier this week. Didn’t open them so unsure what media outlet was reporting it.

The Google AI searches all Google’s content relevant to the search criteria I enter, including local papers, and should gives the most popular pages containing all my criteria. However, it does not. Either it’s broken or it’s biased and manipulating my attention away from issues I am interested in.

So, whose safety and security messaging and performance over the last eight years is going to win the day? The Dems’ or Trump’s?

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All the protestors are in DC today.

Only 100,000.

Maybe not big enough for you.

Also peaceful.

No rioting.




(Sentence is completely about ANTIFAAAAAA!)

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If a rioter breaks a window and no one sees it, did it really happen?


Still going strong as of two days ago.

Portland police and demonstrators briefly clashed downtown Thursday night, hours after several dozen people gathered to call for an end to police brutality.

The confrontation between police and protesters unfolded after officers repeatedly warned people to clear out of downtown streets. Demonstrators also lit at least four small fires on streets and sidewalks before police rushed in. Police detained at least two people.

Looks like online media is still on top of it, at least the riots in Oregon.

A little busy right now…


“More than 116,000 people with Women’s March were expected to march or participate in other actions on Saturday, and more than 429 socially distanced and virtual sister marches were expected to take place in all 50 states, according to Women’s March organizers.”

What the hell are virtual sister marches? Why are they included on the alleged 116,000 figure?

But it’s good to know that Trump’s federal measures have pretty much put a lid on the violence. Suburban mom’s will appreciate that and will vote to keep POTUS in charge for that reason.

Dozens? :slight_smile:

Looks like Trump’s federal measures have reined the rioters in despite the local Democrat leaders’ attempts to unleash the mob.

His safety and security plank looks pretty strong.


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Well, antifa violence still gets a headline on Fox

CNN doesn’t seem to consider it news.


There waiting till after the election

They need to send the guard in anywhere Antifa is being violent and squash the violence.

Round them all up for arrest and if they rough them up in the process so much the better!

And another step closer.

…to what?