Why don't they just raise taxes on the rich? Topic - LA teachers strike

i’m gonna let a poster here prove that your post is false.

i hope you believe this poster.

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Also. It doesn’t change the fact that your assertion is still wrong

So, 12,800$ times 40 kids per classroom is about 500K…

It’s almost entertaining how nobody proves that poster wrong more often than they do themselves

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That’s why I put “probably”… Did you get educated in LA?

you also typed “I bet…”

Yet you weren’t even remotely close about something you were so sure of that you were willing to bet on it

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So, two levels of uncertainty you missed…

Closer than your post on cost wasn’t it?

There’s more than 2 levels at play

Not even close. You were off by 40%

No, being close to the most expensive in the world… Why do countries that spend less have better results?

And you weren’t even close

A national increase and sharing more money with the states that have the highest population and the most need makes more sense to me. An increase on the wealthy and corporations.

State increases would make it too easy for companies and some individuals to “jump ship” and move to another state.

Counties with the best public education spent around 10k per student… So, it’s not just throwing money at it…

Personally I don’t like the idea of that money going to fix schooling issue other states. A national marginal rate should go towards healthcare or the debt. Regarding the notion of states raising their marginal rates and individuals jumping ship many here argue (from my recollection) that those numbers are way overblown and that doesn’t happen.

Education problems in our inner cities is reaching a national crisis level. You’re right, the country needs health care, we need to pay down our debt, we desperately need infrastructure repairs/upgrades which is why republicans need to pull their heads out of their asses and stop reducing revenue from taxes.

I also tend to agree that the numbers on companies and people leaving over taxes are overblown. I made that comment with the idea of a 70% top rate with all the discussion about it lately. So an increase in local or state taxes may be fine, but I still think we need to increase on a national level and yes, share more money with states that have the highest populations and these education problems to build more schools, reduce these class sizes and get these kids and teachers the help they need to begin to turn this around.

An influx of cash is needed in some of these areas to build new schools and hire new teachers to get the problems first under control and then turned around.

How can California be short of cash?

Same way the country is short of cash. They’ve effectively eliminated their middle class by not correctly taxing the right people. They should have a more progressive tax system with lower incomes getting a cut and the highest bracket should be above 13.3%. 9.3% at the current ~ 52.k is too high and driving people out. And the truly wealthy continue to take too much without contributing enough back to the society to keep it from going down the toilet.

You go ahead and keep crying for the poor, poor wealthy though while they do the same thing to the entire country eventually.