Why does Trump keep Lying and why are you OK with it?

Another lie from fat donald, he states that his orange tan is the result of “good genes”. :rofl::rofl:

Well yeah if Trump is saying we need to shore up the border to stop heroin passing into the country that is completely misleading. Since it’s coming almost completely through air traffic, We should be focused on shoring up airport screening as a much more cost effective way of spending our money. I’m sure you’d agree.

“millions for beagles, not one cent for a wall” is the cry from Democrats

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We already have a border fence.

Not one cent for “extending the barrier” is the real call.

Better ways to spend the taxpayers money in 2019, you know modern technology

Trump is stuck in the coal era.

The dems are in the Tesla era.


The Dems supported building over 700 miles of fencing. Isn’t that what Trunp wanted? Or was it a wall? Or steel slats? Why dont we spend the money in a way that makes sense? Trump has never even offered a clear plan of how to use the funds. Maybe you know?

11 lies a day? Just a tiny fraction of what CNN does. They don’t care that everyone knows it either.
Get it first, not right.

Yeah that’s right and more apropos - thanks.

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BS. His lies impacts public policy and national security.
Also for the record, the president doesn’t care either. He will lie about anything on anyone.
Am I wrong?
LOL! you’ll probably type yes with a straight face too.

How often do you watch CNN and for how long?

I don’t have cable. I do not watch Certainly Not News.
I see it occasionally with links from Drudge, and other aggregators.
It is actually easy to watch. You just believe the opposite of what they say!

As far as President Trump’s lies, I go with the old adage, “how do you know when a politician is lieing?
Their lips are moving!”
The difference here is that he is telling the truth, and everyone else is lieing!
There have been more than 4 groups investigating for more than two and a half years, spending over 25 million dollars, with 500 witnesses, 2800 subpoenas that agree with that statement.
At this point, only the incredibly stupid would call him a liar!
How ironic! An honest New York businessman!

Situational awareness has completely missed this one!
The answers are:
No, we don’t.
Not at all.
No, that’s just one step of many.
Good one, although he did make us energy independant for the first time in history!
Why, yes, they are, and Tesla will soon be joining the DeLorean. Not because it is a bad car, but because of the guy that runs the company. Same as before.

Like who?

If they do it will because democrats won’t extend them, republicans have gone on record saying they will do so and tried to get democrats to make them permanent in a separate bill, they declined. And to add, no tax cut is really permanent, congress can change tax law whenever they like.

Nonsense. Not just in your incoherent tangent but argument formulas

Pure lunacy. Care to make a wager?

Such a well thought out, intelligent post. Welcome to the dysfunction.

You gotta understand that when he says “ the difference is” requires only factual opinion

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They could have made them permanent at the time. They controlled both chambers of Congress. Instead they chose the path to blame the Democrats. Sorry, we are a bit smarter then that.

No, they didn’t “control” congress, they had a majority, not a super-majority. So maybe, we, isn’t all that bright after all.

And I predict that Trump supporters will be very surprised when the truths about this president are proven correct. Trump’s number one enemy is the truth. He can not tell it and his lies have been fact proven over and over again. Yet folks like you are going to continue to believe him and the crap the CEC spews.