Why does President Trump still talk about "Crooked Hillary"?

The media I mainly follow, not Fox News, say they don’t know what Mueller has or what he will eventually find on Trump. They are and have been more than kept busy reporting on everything that already has come out on Trump and so many of his guilty and corrupt minions as well as national and world events.

And using the same fingernails to hand out indictments.
I sure hope that you are not another paid troll here.

Bot farm

Weak Trump can’t even have Hillary and Obama prosecuted. Sad and weak president.

:joy: :rofl:

How do you know it is false?

Trump could ‘work’ on these things (Hillary) quietly and methodically. But, as he is Donald Trump, he cannot discipline his tongue and his endlessly, repetitive droning about Hillary makes him look needy and weak. ‘I won!’ 'I really did! ‘She’s bad!’ ‘I’m good!’

The IG report concluded that the DOJ was correct to not file any criminal charges against Hillary. It doesn’t necessarily mean that Hillary was innocent, but that there wasn’t enough evidence to file any charges against her.

It has now been over 20 months since Hillary lost the Presidential election, and the CEC still can’t stop talking about her. She is not going to be on the ballot this year and her political career is finished.

The more Mueller investigates and the closer they get to uncovering Trump and Co crimes, the more we’ll hear about Hillary here. And we’ll probably be flooded with pro Trump (new) posters.

This Stupid Watergate isn’t happening at the same time as the last Watergate and so they’ll try to use every thing they can, including the internet, to cover up for his crimes.

We know why. We told you.

Trump is an American and wants to keep the country intact. You want it torn apart… which would happen if your queen was jailed for her crimes.

But start ■■■■■■■ around with impeachment and the concept of MAD might come into play. Mutual Assured Destruction. If Trump goes down, so will Hillary.

That ship sailed a while back. So, what’s stopping him? Has anyone asked him this question?

Who gives a crap if she goes down? Seriously?

This is the reason why you guys bring her up. You’re pissed your orange jesus is going to go down in flames.

This is the biggest pantload you’ve ever dropped on these forums. Donald doesn’t give a flying ■■■■ about this nation. His only concern is to have his ego stroked.

You think the choices he’s making maximizes his ego stroking?

You are delusional. He is hated and he knows it.

If he gave lots and lots of free stuff, you libs would stroke him like you stroke your … buddies.

You think his ego is only stroked by positive reinforcement? You are naive.

well, and $$$$$$$$$$$.

What is money to Donald but a way of stroking his ego/reaffirming his self-worth? The man has a hissy fit when someone disputes what he claims his net worth to be, after all.

What I love about Fat Donald hanging onto the “crooked Hillary” mantra is how he bragged during the campaign about paying the Clinton’s so much money that they jumped at his beck and call.

So here is a president calling a private citizen “crooked Hillary” when a short time ago he was bragging about corrupting her, and others, with his campaign donations.

Yet the Donny Deplorable Dummy’s either didn’t hear, heard and it didn’t register, or heard and just didn’t care that Trump bragged about corrupting political candidates.

This stuff is amazing. Any time Trump gets caught, Trumpists trot out the even more vile Clinton, all while managing to repress to notion in their heads that the guy who could actually do something (if something were actually doable) isn’t doing a damn thing, and HE’S the guy they’re defending.

Multiple layers of dissonance at play.


“Donald would go after Clinton, but he doesn’t because he loves America SO much.” :roll_eyes:

You are gonna be my favorite poster. Yiu always remind me of my favorite songs