WHY Does Anyone Need to Announce Their "Pronoun" Upon Introduction?

From what I understand, the meeting was pertaining to the Americans with Disabilities act, and there were blind people in the room.

It’s just good ettiquette to give them as much info verbally as possible.

As for the pronouns, if she wants to make sure people use the pronouns she demands to be referred to as, that is her prerogative.

We have bigger issues to discuss than what is and isn’t good manners IMHO. Right now, we have a president so senile he doesn’t even know what a recession is. That is just the start of the real challenges facing this nation.

I can chose my gender, my race and my pronouns . . .
In fact I am now a native american woman
(that makes me eligible for scholarships and surpreme court appointments, bookd deals and tv interviews)

My new pronouns are nën and winkële
Use them or you are a hate-filled advocate of violence.


Ahhhh the one joke.


Silence Is Violence

That’s grammarism.

I disagree. She has no right to “demand” people do anything.


She didn’t demand. The fact that conservatives think announcing pronouns is a “demand” is really weird.

Person: “Hey my name is Benjamin but I go by Ben”
Conservatives: “Why is he demanding I call him Ben?!”



Read what I replied to.

“Hey, I am a male, I go by woman.”

This is America. You have a right to be rude, crude, and socially unacceptable if you wish.

Are you telling me I don’t have a right to belch in public too?

No, you don’t.

For now.

I’m not sure how this addresses my post.

Oh I did “demands” :rofl:

Not my word.

California’s ‘name-and- pronouns law’.

The law reads, in part, that it is unlawful for workers to “willfully and repeatedly fail to use a resident’s preferred name or pronouns after being clearly informed of the preferred name or pronouns.” It was signed into law in 2017 by former California Gov. Jerry Brown.

I believe the Navy is implementing similar regulations.

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Conservatives: “I’m mad! That impacts me so much!”


You also said “demand”

She not demanding.

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Good Lord.

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IMHO, we are talking about manners and social norms, not real substantive issues like ‘are we in a recession?’.

At worst what she is doing is being rude by demanding certain pronouns, or just expecting a certain courtesy out of people by using the correct pronouns when talking to her. It’s all depending on how you view the subject.

Some people take this stuff way too seriously. You shouldn’t.


I don’t. I like mocking it.

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