Why do you on the Left support something that has no basis in logic or science, is largely harmful and whose damage is irreversible?

They might identify with their idea of the opposite gender. They have no idea what it actually is.

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many people are not at odds with their mental maladies.

so there’s that, too

Any bets?


Define what it means to live as “man” and define what it means to live as a “woman.”


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Funny how you focus on only one side of the equation and make no effort to address the entirety of the issue at all. Man into woman ugh, mentally ill etc etc.
But it goes the other way too.
My daughters best friend transitioned from a lovely girl into a boy at 12 and is living his best life as a boy now so not only is it possible it is happening right now in real time as we speak but I guess you have a greater personal knowledge than I.
No doubt you came by this knowledge by your countless interactions with the trans community.
Because after all according to you its not possible.
You class them all as mentally ill, do you treat other people with mental illness with such distain.

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What does it mean “to live as a boy”?

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All a bunch of babble. And male can never be a female. Can never know what it is to a female. No matter what they do to change their appearance. They have a mental illness.
After spending over sixty years living with nature, I can tell you that a bull will never become a cow even when I cut his balls off. Seems I have more knowledge than you ever will.


Does he stand when he takes a leak?
Does he get an erection?
Does he have to adjust himself when he sits so he doesn’t crush the jewels?
Does he even HAVE jewels?

If the answer is no, then no he is NOT living as a male. He is dressing like one, but that’s about as far as it goes. Just like a guy who “decides” he is a woman, does he have the female issues such as a period? Can he get pregnant?

Amswer is no to all the above.


Well at 12 she told her family she had always felt like a boy, we all knew she qas a tom boy but not to this extent.
She became a boy changed name, appearance and school.
To look now you won’t never know unless you knew him before.

Good Gid man i know this family. Do you really think I’m going to ask how their child urinates and defecates. Or worse still ask about genitalia.
I don’t know if surgery has taken place but i don’t think those questions are appropriate nor relevant.
The transition happens in the head first so to understand it more, maybe start there.

Well unless he does all that I posted then no, he does NOT live like a male. He may dress as a male, act like a male, but he doesn’t live like a male. Also I have to seriously question the the logic behind allowing a 12 year old to do this, they are still a freaking child. That KID has no freaking clue what they are doing, and what impacts it may possibly have on their future. Please tell me they are not allowing this child to take puberty blockers or anything like that.


I knew you would claim some superior knowledge but 60 years of being around bulls! Cmon.
Strangely the two have nothing to do with each other, I’d venture humans are more complicated than bulls, just a random guess.
But you obviously know more than me.

I honestly dont know about surgery or medication but this had been going on for some years within the family and at that age kids go to secondary school so a choice was made to start as a male.
Seems a lot less traumatic than starting school and transitioning later.
This is a normal family of course they could have resisted their child but decided to listen and understand.0

I’m 63 and went to catholic school all my life.

I remember a “girl” who was on our volleyball team back in the '60’s…

We all thought of this person as a “girl”. She had long hair budding boobs and was a real “diva”.

Once, in I think 1969-1971? I’m not sure…but I happened to see her naked…

“she” had a penis… and “budding” boobs like the rest of us.

I found out over 10 years later. that she was then a “he”.

He also told me about his struggle for many years.

Idda know…But sometimes it seems like some folks are WAAAY too concerned about the “fluidity” that can surround a persons sexuality…and trying to help them out on thier “path”.

It seems to me that many are more concerned with making a kid heterosexual. than they are with just letting folks BE who and what they are.

I see and read and hear many saying that “this or that” group of people are trying to. Idda know. "help kids be “gay”?

*** While some of those same folks spend a LOT of time and money to run “camps”. print docs and books and tapes,and therapy sessions. etc…to try to “Pray the ‘gay’ away”.***

Some people ARE who/what they ARE!

What is WRONG…What causes folks so much ANGST with one of God’s creations not being exactly like THEM?

Because of some chapter & verse in Levitcus? Romans? Corinthians?

You wanna condemn or consider a football player or a neighbor “defiled” for touching a football?

OR for wearing a cotton/polyester blend garment as well?

And WHY are so many on the “right” so concerned with what goes on in someone elses bedroom?

How about we let them BE?

I would wager that EVERYONE on this forum…knows someone that is GAY or has a “Fluid” sexuality.

I’m not sanctioning gender reversal surgery at 12 years old.

However…I DO advocate for the “blockers” and theraphy that gives young people a chance to hit the “pause” button until they can figure it out…WithOUT some folks screaming and hollering at them!

And what is WRONG with that? What are some of y’all so afraid of?

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WHY are some of these folks so FRIGHTENED?

WHY are some folks so interested in what goes on in other folks bedrooms?

WHY do they CARE if my grandson is gay/bi/trans?

I mean really?

Are there folks on the left trying to “pray the ‘straight’ away”?

Hey Folks?

You can’t make someone straight…

You can’t make someone gay.

That’s literally NOT how it works!

Some of y’all wanna force me to have a baby…

You don’t wanna help me to FEED that baby.

Then you wanna FORCE me to NOT raise said baby as I see fit!

Because of a bible verse?

“I want a smaller GOVERNMENT! And I want it to be just “small” enough that it can STILL fit into your bedroom”.


Born intersex?

I feel slightly embarrassed being asked about my daughters friends genitalia and bowel movements.
I’m wondering how that is relevant or if people think in the real world that is something you’d ask of anyone.
Yet if you are in the trans community its fair game to discuss.
Seems to me transitioning starts in the head and surgery etc is done so the body can catch up, or match up with whats inside.

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The left’s elites want to get rich with chop shops for children. That’s as deep as it gets.