Why do you on the Left support something that has no basis in logic or science, is largely harmful and whose damage is irreversible?

Prove it.

Absolutely not

Lia Thomas is a Trans Woman.

Not sure what that is in contention.

An argument can be made that people who transition as adults and then compete in sports have an unfair advantage and that the standards around this issue should be revised but that has nothing to do with whether or not Lia Thomas is Trans nor does it have to do with other Trans people.

The issue of Trans people in sports is a wedge to cast all trans as a danger when the fact is that they are a very small percentage of people and trans people who play sports is a small percentage of that.

All thisā€¦ just to deny an out group of basic human rights for votes.

Heā€™s not!


Will Thomas is a male chasing fame and cheap thrills. Lia Thomas is a fictional character in a narrative.


Define trans woman, wait let me: A meaningless term created by lib academics and used by libs to codify a group of mentally disturbed people.

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It actually means something.

It is a definition of a real world person and their experience.

So it isnā€™t meaningless.

They have zero experience at womaning

The definition of a man and a woman has not changed but there is a small sub section of each group who feel they belong to the other.
They are given a separate word to help us all with adherence to specific definitions, quantify this anomaly, commonly known as the trans community.
Identified separately lest the rest of us get confused.,
Hope this helps, seems pretty straight forward to me and helps to keep traditional definitions of man/woman intact.

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How do they know. How does a male know he feels like a female? How does he know what a female feels like?


I guess feeling an attraction and affinity for things of the opposite gender. As those roles are quite tightly defined the person knows they donā€™t fit in as society demands.

ā€œThingsā€. Interesting. So they like woman things, they donā€™t actually feeeeel womany?

I get they donā€™t feel like men. I understand that. What I donā€™t get is how they feel like women when they have no idea what a woman feels like.

Anybody who believes Will Thomas is a fool.

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I donā€™t think anyone really knows the exact science of it all yet but Iā€™m guessing a large component of it is genetic or inate within the individual. I donā€™t think itā€™s something that can be taught, by anyone.

ā€œScienceā€? You mean figuratively, right?

Anything can be taught.

But thatā€™s not what Iā€™m asking.

Like i said society has defined gender roles very tightly from colours to jobs to whatever else exists in our small world.
That is taken as a given that we adhere strictly to these societal norms. When we donā€™t i think the individual struggling to fit in would understand why.
Like i also said is i think there may be a genetic component to a person feeling like they were born the wrong gender.

How does a male know he feels like a female? How does he know what a female feels like?

But you are asking something we donā€™t have an understanding of yet.
Donā€™t make the mistake of assuming people who accept the trans community understand the ins and outs of it all. The difference is acceptance, noone claims to have all the answers.

Acceptance of what?

If they donā€™t feel like men, thatā€™s fine. They donā€™t have to do man things.

But they donā€™t get to claim woman. That oneā€™s taken.


Exactly and thatā€™s why they have their own individual title of trans, hence any confusion that they claim to be a woman.
So now that you know we have 3 groups here man, woman and trans, what now?