Why do we fight so much?

Well they aren’t amenable. Alliances. Economics. A child-like belief in a false history.

After 100 years? Come on.

What was acceptable in the past is not tolerated now. Things change.

Who decides?

What shapes public opinion? There’s a lot of factors in play. I certainly couldn’t name all of them.

Obviously more. What set off the statue tippers off?

Was it “public opinion”? Are the white supremacists also not part of the public?

This has been a long time coming in many places. Resentment builds up over time.

Yes it does. And resentment begets resentment.

Too large part of the public for my taste, however they’re entitled to their opinion as long as they don’t decide to run some people over who disagree.

What else, then? Allow me to stay with the tiki folk for a moment, I feel like this is important in the context of the article I cited, and given the support they received, both overt and implied, from a lot of Americans.

Was part of it a “child-like belief in false history,” as you called it earlier?

We need to stop the cycle of resentment and find areas where we can agree. It’s what Naruto was all about.

They are a minuscule part of the public. That was a crime, it will be punished.

Does your taste matter in Virginia?

Good question. A better one might be, when does enough of the public decide the individual/s deciding are right?


That will never happen.

I find white supremacy to be an ugly philosophy, and as long as they represent American Culture in any way, I’m going call them out for it because I don’t want to be associated in any way with that philosophy.


When you say “public”, who do you mean?

I dont have a fb account but still managed to view the video.
It’s not a useless video but is nothing but a reminder of what we already know. Our survival is partly dependent on tribalism.

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I like throwing out pop-culture references to you. It’s not personal, and I did it subconsciously, but it’s the second time I’ve done that with you. The last time was when i referenced Thanos and the Snap. It can be our thing unless it terribly offends you. I wouldn’t want to be offensive.

I don’t disagree. I find liberalism to be an ugly philosophy as well and feel the same way. Along with anyone who would turn a blind eye to illegal immigration for votes.