Why Do Hardcore Felons In Prison Get To Vote?

They shouldn’t, but once they paid all there debt to society their liberties should be restored. From voting and yes owning guns.

There was a thread on it. Do you want me to link it for you?

I’m your Huckleberry.

That’s 2.

That’s 3

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Vermont and Maine are the only states that allow felons in prison to vote.

Just their right to vote? What about their civil liberties…or do you want to choose what they are allowed to have?

Think long and hard before answering.

All rights or just ability to vote?

I agree all their civil liberties including the 2A.

I am still in favor of certain restrictions on gun ownership but as the 2A stands today They should not have their right to own a fireArm infringed.

Like deja vu.

Don’t know what socialism is because they didn’t take social studies in high school!

After probation is completed.

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