Why did Democrats filibuster to protect Putin's pipeline?

Yes, the Senate is not going to end the filibuster.

A question is why so many of those who have supported ending the filibuster as a racist and undemocratic are fine with using it to protect Putin’s pipeline project?

Does that mean they are willing to be racists and fascists to help the interests of Russia?



Can’t make it any clearer than that. There’s a whole 'nother thread on it you might benefit from reading.

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the question isn’t did they use it, its why did they use it. the why is simple. tribalism.

Categorically civics. The filibuster was not deployed.

You as well could use an education on civucs. Start by reading the other thread

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i’ll remain in reality and not resort to silly semantical arguments to deny it. the modern filibuster is a cloture vote and has been for over 50 years. your excuse de jour is nothing but a ■■■■■■■■ denial.


Well I have to say Greenwald’s title on his piece is in the face to say the least.

You betcha the existing pipeline was Ukraine’s crutch it’s gone now. If any country should be pressuring Russia now it should be Germany who the Nord Stream 2 goes to.

latest in leftist hypocrisy:

republicans use a cloture vote to block a dem bill = filibuster
dems use a cloture vote to block a rep bill = “they just didn’t have the votes”

a no vote on cloture is a vote to filibuster.


It’s not semantics, it’s the rules of the senate. It’s that simple.

The filibuster was NOT invoked to block Cruz’s bill

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its a ■■■■■■■■ denial. its cool though, i understand. you must support the hypocrisy

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Oh, and guess what else sunshine?

All 50 R’s (including Cruz) and 2 D’s are on record not supporting a rules change. They couldn’t have changed it even if they wanted to.

For those paying attention, that means more R’s are/were against a rule change than D’s. Including Cruz. In a very real way, he sunk his own damn bill.

You are just screaming into the void here.

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my name ain’t sunshine moonbeam.

otherwise… who said i wanted a rule change? i do support and always have supported the 60 vote rule. in fact, i would support rule changes in both houses or a constitutional amendment requiring a super majority to pass any legislation. 50%+1 is not good enough to impose anyone’s will on the entire nation.

none of that changes the fact that for more than 50 years a “filibuster” is nothing more than a no vote on cloture by 41 senators

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Now all you need to do is admit:

Filibuster was not invoked, there was not enough votes for cloture.

No matter how loudly you yell it, the bill wasn’t filibustered, it didn’t gain enough votes to proceed.

According to the rules that 52 senators (including Cruz) refuse to change.

i don’t need fantasies to support my denial of reality, thats your schtick.

a no vote on cloture is a filibuster. has been for more than 50 years. we all know it, yiou know it. but you must support the hypocrisy… we understand

So by your definition what bills have the GOP actually fillabustered lately?


If Germany was a drug addict, then Russia is now they’re dealer and they can cut the supply at any time. Placing your country’s dependency on something as volatile as this could easily become, is something I do not understand?


This is lazy reporting, and political chicanery. The problem is that the Senate has stupid rules; the larger problem is that it makes people shift their faith and hope to centralizing executives and judges.


If you also know where Germany can get natural gas please let them know

Whose discussion? Between me and another poster?

…and what “we” didn’t learn from depending on outside sources for computer chips, is this same scenario but on an even more threatening scale.

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