Why Can’t Houses of Worship Just be Off Limits?

And murder inc beat the crap out of the Bund but again we are discussing crime and the belief that growth in crime will eventually result in violence. Sure it can and some times does but it’s an exception and the rest is based on movies.

That’s simply not true. It is not an exception.

The 80s and 90s which were significantly more violent had very few cases of actual viligantism. The one guy on the New York City subway was hunting.

As Jezcoe pointed out, vandalism against churches is definitely wrong.

But there was a reason Fox News conflated the May 7 protest with the other protests where there was graffiti.

Because it was this church…

The activists showed up at the Basilica of St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral in Manhattan on Saturday morning, just feet from a group of anti-abortion protesters who typically walk from the church to a nearby Planned Parenthood site on the first Saturday of every month, according to WNYW-TV.

In other words…it was a counter protest.

If you’re going to say churches should be off limits…they should be off limits no matter the philosophy of the protest group…right?

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That you know about, perhaps. You are oversimplifying a complex situation.

For example, Texans could not lawfully carry handguns until 1995.

NYC is not a self defense culture.

You are focused on cities. Significantly more violent how and towards whom?

Vigilantes aren’t going to take to the streets to defend drug dealers.

Were the police trying then?

As in the other thread, I disagree with this. I wish “my side” excercised restraint and protested appropriately. Not to mention that it’s counter-productive. Does anybody really think that disrupting a service or vandalizing a church is going to change the heart and mind of a single person in that congregation?


So vigilantism is more likely as society gets more armed?

Again vigilantism not self defense in a given situation.

No, vigilantism is a response to a failed state. Being armed is a means. Look at your “Detriot 300.”

Of course it is, collective self defense.

Good post.

So far, it doesn’t appear so. But as the nation gets angrier at eachother, it is a distinct possibility.

But I think the nightmare scenario is protestors beginning to arm themselves.

Thank you.

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I don’t think those are the same things.

If protestors start firing at each other, I think it is fairly easy to deal with.

I will reciprocate:

  1. Pro-life protestors should stay away from churches as well. Hiding behind the color of religion is foul.

  2. I feel the same way everytime I see some yahoo “protesting” by carrying an AR 15.

Armed mobs shooting at each other? How is that anything but a nightmare?

Can you imagine a coupe hundred people shooting at eachother in the neighborhood where, say, Gorsuch lives? That’s not an industrial park, it is a residential neighborhood.


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Easy to deal with.

Never happen. Look at Jan 6th.

(D)omestic terrorism is no big (D)eal. :man_shrugging:

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Maybe I’m wrong…

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It’s always violence when the left gets pissy over something. Always.

“bUt JaN 6tH!1!”


“Ruth Sent Us”… a cult?

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