Why aren't you Catholic?

I need to get used to this new system. Didn’t mean to quote my own original quote, just Meriweather’s.

And that is fine. People should absolutely do what is comfortable for them. Lots of people like Catholicism and if they do, that’s the faith they should follow.

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I would just state that Protestants generally speak directly to Jesus via prayer and don’t see the need for an Earthly intermediary. I would point to standard Protestant doctrine regarding this issue.

Obviously it is much different from Catholic doctrine.

My view is that Catholic’s and Protestant’s just need to “agree to disagree” on these issues.

Use the highlight and quote feature to highlight exactly what from what post you want to quote.

It takes some getting used to but is really nice functionality.


When it comes to matters of faith in a deity, to declare that one’s personal beliefs are somehow “closer to the truth” than others is, quite frankly, ridiculous.

PS I just used the highlight and quote method to make this post. :smiling_imp:

Didn’t think about Jesus being our intermediary, did you.

And your original statement was about not needing an intermediary to God, which is what Jesus is for all of us. Now you’re moving the goalposts. I’ll wait for your response that Jesus ous God.

Do what you like but I will stick with the scriptures.

Seems to me that’s what Catholics are doing in their sacraments.

I’m afraid of the germ water they keep at the entrances, and the kneelers didn’t have enough padding.

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If the Catholic Church vanished, I would be Orthodox. If there were no Catholic or Orthodox I would still eschew every Protestant denomination and choose Judaism.

Right, I’m sure everything your church does can be found in scripture.

Ironically, you have just answered your own OP with this reply.

It is clear by your tone that you hold Protestantism in utter contempt.

And it is just as true that many Protestants hold the Catholic Church in an equal level of contempt.

Just who the (I won’t use profanity out of respect for this being the Religious Forum, but the appropriate emphasis of my response still exists) would join or want to join a religion that they held in contempt???!!!

Your view of Protestant is the same view that many Protestants have of Catholicism.

People should choose their religion as they wish.

I have no problem with Catholics and I have Catholic friends. I just don’t want to join their church, nor would they want to join my (former) church.

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I am not intending to be evasive in any way. As you well know, Protestants by and large believe in salvation by faith in Jesus alone and, by and large, pray to Jesus alone.

Protestants have no need for the sacrament of penance.

I shouldn’t need to go into a theological argument here. Other Protestants have argued these issues ad naseum with other Catholics here many times.

All I am saying is that is what Protestants believe and that is why they are unlikely to want to become Catholics, short of changing their fundamental doctrines.

You are reading way too much into my post. A lack of interest is not contempt. For example, if I said my choice of hobbies are photography, genealogy, and gardening, but I eschew marathons, sky diving, and needle point, I am not saying I hold them in contempt, I am saying they do not hold my interest.

Are you saying since you hold the Catholic Church in contempt you think Catholics hold Protestants in contempt? You may want to rethink that. Apparently someone in your church did a great number on Catholics, whereas the Catholic Church seldom, if ever, mentions Protestants.

The reason the Protestant religion does not interest me is that especially on Religion Forums the Protestant mantra seems to be, “You don’t have to do a thing–Christ did it all for you.” There is simply no challenge, nothing to draw any interest.

But I do apologize for unintentionally coming across as insulting. Being so conscious of what is going on in one’s own mind sometimes leaves little room to imagine that something entirely different might go on in the mind of someone else.

lol It DID ‘sound’ off a a little harsh.

To those who bash Catholic “tradition” (“where’s that in scripture?!”), I’d love to know their thoughts on verses like 1 Corinthians 11, 2 Thessalonians 2 & 3. To think all the actions and practices of the 1st century churches were written down in scripture is a little ridiculous. And no, your church doesn’t just “stick to what scripture says”

I am very sorry. Every so often I am abruptly reminded that message boards do not come with facial cues and body language.

Seems to me they are forgetting someone. Shouldn’t they also believe in and pray to God?

Even though it’s been shown here to be biblical? Ok. Sounds to me like getting by with less, but if that’s what you want.

Well, seeing as in your post where you said this,you essentially said you would give up the Christian faith for Judaism if your only choices were Protestant denominations, it’s easy to see where Safiel thought you held Protestant sects in contempt.

Think about what you said. You essentially said you would give up Jesus…the centerpiece of the Christian faith…before you became a Protestant.

I was raised Protestant. I’m basically non religious now.

I have nothing against the Catholic Church. I’ve attended mass once; my best friend in middle school was catholic.