Why aren't more news outlets picking up on how the moral support for Trump since being ill is climbing?

This is the guy who can’t say anything nice about people who died unless they supported him politically you want me to cheer for being nice to because he’s sick?


Absolutely not.

Ginsburg hardly supported Trump yet this POTUS said off the cuff what an amazing woman and life she lived.


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When the president came off stage he huddled with this staff. And you have to think that at that time he informed him of her passing. So his comment being “off the cuff” is questionable.

Why don’t the left understand love?

In NK those not coming out for Kim risk getting punished by Kim and his pro-Kim mob.
In the US those coming out for Trump risk being punished not by Trump but by the globalust anti-Trump mob.

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The answer is that it defeats the prog narrative that Trump is hated by the American people. That’s why they don’t want to cover it.


CNN has a reporter outside Walter Reed and he was constantly discussing the Trump supporters with their flags showing support.

For my wife, children, kin, friends, the best beer, a perfect pizza and world class tiramisu or cannolis? Yubetcha.

For a politician? Gross, man. Just, gross.

Right spends years mocking anyone on the left they can…including a presidential candidate who was suffering from pneumonia.

Seem perplexed that they aren’t shown love in return when the shoe is on the other foot.


Because this is what their rallies look like. :man_shrugging:


You realize that during a pandemic that is a good thing.

As reflected by Biden leading in both the polls and electoral college analysis.

Better than trying to kill off you base by infecting them with a possibly deadly disease.


Wow. The TDS is strong in this one, Obi Wan.

Well, see, CNN is fake news - they are not a real news outlet…

Or something like that…

It’s not enough to just report on the supporters outside of Walter Reed.

The media has to love The Chosen One as much as his followers do.


Having events contrary to your own Administrations CDC guidelines is now considered TDS.

Got ya.


Why aren’t more news outlets picking up on how the moral support for Trump since being ill is climbing?

Why? It’s because the MSM is truly an enemy of “we the people” and are on a mission to change the historical path this country has been on and veer it away from God, away from capitalism, away from personal responsibility, away from the nuclear family and away from law and order.

And they eat their pizza sprinkled with children too.

You sure about that deadly moniker?

Dangerous for the infirm is not the same thing.

We will soon find out how popular curling into a fetal position and sucking a thumb is for the CV19.


Tell me - did you think the 9/11 attacks were deadly?

Well, we’ve had enough deaths from Covid now to account for around 67 times the number of deaths on 9/11.