Why are there STILL riots in Minnesota?

It needs to stop all the media talks about is the capital riot, whereas since last summer there has been almost weekly violence from these groups. I don’t think Portland has had a day off from it. Why normal citizens who just want to work and raise their families stay I don’t know.

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It’s weekly murder by the cops.

Weekly? I know of a few that has made the news including the one that help start it all which is in court. It’s not just cops they are rioting over.

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Of course, it’s also the justice system that lets them get away with it.

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Which justice system would you replace the current one with? Most western countries justice systems come from english law. Are there another model that is better around the world?

No cash bail. Punishing the poor for being poor is all that is.

Votes for felons. If you say you’re a democracy you should be one.

No solitary confinement.

Consequences for the police for murdering people.

No private prisons.

Etc. Etc.

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Are there any normal people there? I only know one family there and they are about as normal as AOC. :roll_eyes:

I agree with all of that.

Only modification would be voting for felons. I fully support it, but I would include a relatively short probationary period. Maybe two years. To see if they have become productive citizens and aren’t simply going to go straight back in the pen.

Once the period is up, all rights are restored. Including the right to bear arms.

Only exception would be for heinous violent crimes. If they are convicted of murder or rape, that’s a no go.

They are they just stay quiet. Republicans are mostly in the closet there.

Rioters and looters doom themselves, their children and, sadly, their peaceable neighbors and their kids to more of everything that they may imagine has been keeping them down, not just any unmet wants or expected entitlements going unsatisfied, but creating more relative “poverty” for being Americans etc.

Those who are actually rioting are the mill stones hung beneath their neighbors’ wings.

Because a large part of the country still doesn’t get it.

I’m tired of the riots, I’m tired of the anger, I’m tired of the police having to make split second decisions, and I’m tired of people forcing them into the position to have to.

So instead of why are they still rioting. Offer a solution…

Better training to the police on using force (Needs to be every year intense training) and better training to civilians on not resisting arrest or running away.

Other than that I have no clue on how we can expect the police to enforce the law in a country with 400 million guns. And they go into some bad neighborhoods that most of us wouldn’t even drive through much less step out of the car and confront someone.

No … are you for real. What does one have to do with the other?

So you want cops to wait until the gun being pointed at them is actually fired … proving it was a real gun … before they can shoot at the person?

And you have the unmitigated gall to tell anyone else to get real? Wow Tommy, just WOW!

Cite once.

This is a problematic absolute.

It is a difficult line to draw.

That was my understanding.

We paid the ransom and voted him gone.

Virus is almost gone.

Yet the sport of loot and burn prospers??

Give all looters and vandals the Babbitt stop.

It will be over.

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Lol are you asking why another questionable shooting in the same city during the murder trial of a cop over an incident that sparked global protests have to do with each other?

Listen to yourself.

I wouldn’t live in such a place.