Why are needle syringes ok and straws not ok?

Now we are skipping down the road banning plastic soda straws but not acting on homelessness filth, hypdremic neddles and crime?

Calipornia is slipping down hill with no solutions in sight. President Trump raised this question a few time already. The lates today. .iberalism is destroying us from with, i think.

" Trump said the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will give San Francisco a notice related to the “tremendous” amount of pollution flowing into the ocean from the city’s storm sewers, Reuters reported. He also said hypodermic needles littered the sewers there and were polluting the sea. "

What say you about this?

Please post the ordinances that specifically allows, makes it “OK”, for personal use needles to be discarded on public property.


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What say you about this?

I think it is more misbehavior on the part of Donald Trump and more evidence of his weaponizing Government agencies to go after folks he doesn’t like especially in places that do not bend over politically and kiss his corpulent Trump rump, like much of California.

Trump has nothing positive to offer the cities in California or the State in general to help them with their homelessness issues and any other issues they have.

He needs to end his attacks on places like San Francisco and if he has nothing worthwhile to offer them just leave them alone.

That is what I say!


Calipornia is demanding federal money to pay /or its self generated homeless problem. DR CArson turned them down…

"“Your letter seeks more federal dollars for California from hardworking American taxpayers but fails to admit that your state and local policies have played a major role in creating the current crisis,” Carson wrote.

He pointed out the the feds give half million calipornia families money and the liberal courts restrict any so,utions to homelessness.

Um. Yes it does.

I don’t use it, but I know how to add people’s names to the list. When we first switched to this board the feature wasn’t available, but now it is, and it has been for some time now.

Carson, mister Egyptian Pyramids were built to store grain, that Carson?

As if he knows what is behind homelessness in the city where his office is much less in California. No money for California problems but how much was that office dining set costing the TAXPAYERS? Yeah he got caught with his thieving hands in the Federal Cookie Jar? What was that, $31,000.00 for an office dining set. No money for California, but there was plenty of money for expensive redecorating of his office.

Mr. Carson “didn’t know the table had been purchased,” but does not believe the cost was too steep and does not intend to return it, said Raffi Williams, a HUD spokesman.

That Carson?

Another “Trump worst person ever”, placed in a position he has no real qualifications for, to be HUD Director .

That Carson?

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Could you please post the ordinances that specifically allows for personal use needles to be discarded on public property? They don’t existy


No ordinance makes needle use and random disposal OK, yet that is an obvious mark of the San Fran street environment.

Likewise there is no ordinance attempting to ban straws.

Thus, “ordinance” is a specious facet of the thread.

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Best thread of the day!



The problem is more complex than an ordance. It is how to manage drug addi tion and mental illness.

No it’s not. It is isolated to a very small part of the city

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So it is not “OK” to discard personal use needles and syringes in California cities as the OP claimed and not “OK” for straws?



Hope that is a recyclable popcorn carton and that you dispose of it properly!


Then why are you focusing solely on San Francisco? Drug addiction rates are much worse in a whole lot of red states than they are in SF

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I punked you LouC. How has it been going? Been lut of touch for a while. Ha ha ha

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The carton is constructed from recycled materials and the corn was grown from free trade artisinal tribes deep in the heart of Calipornia primeval. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Every third box you buy comes with a syringe, a (compostible) bag of peas, and a gay abortionist immigrant who crossed illegally and will register as DEMOCRAT.


Well, seriously, my mother died 14 days ago, and a former boss of mine died in the same week and that week I also found out a good friend from my time in Massachusetts had also passed away. But I am alive! Getting older and more decrepit by the day, but I am still alive.

How are you my friend?

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I need to get a link to their website and order me some of that!


Yes it does.