Why are Democrats erasing homosexuals?

How many articles would you like to read?


To get you started.

Its pretty well established that activist schools try to prevent parents from learning what is taught. So I doubt your notional conversation would happen.

That’s an article about how the history of the gay rights movement, and how gay activist groups in the 70s didn’t support trans rights.

Nowhere in that article does it say this:

To continue

Again, TERFs are a tiny majority, and their views are widely rejected among women as a whole, let along just in the LGBTQ movement.

It says so right in your article:

Over the past two months, 12 editors and publishers from eight of the most prominent lesbian publications in the U.S., Canada, Australia and the U.K. have signed on to a joint statement titled “Not in our name” condemning the idea of “lesbian erasure,” viewed by many LGBTQ activists as anti-transgender.

DIVA, Curve, Autostraddle, LOTL, Tagg, Lez Spread The Word, DapperQ and GO Magazine believe that trans women are women and that trans people belong in our community,” the statement reads. “We do not think supporting trans women erases our lesbian identities; rather we are enriched by trans friends and lovers, parents, children, colleagues and siblings.”

“We strongly condemn writers and editors who seek to foster division and hate within the LGBTQI community with trans misogynistic content, and who believe ‘lesbian’ is an identity for them alone to define,” the statement continues. “We also strongly condemn the current narrative peddled by some feminists, painting trans people as bullies and aggressors — one which reinforces transphobia and which must be challenged so that feminism can move forward.”

Bwahaha the left is anti gay???

Maybe among far Leftwing women.

A dude is always gonna be a dude no matter what his idiotic delusions may have him believe and that doesn’t change if he has been medically mutilated.

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Quite a large majority of women are leftwing women.

A defective mental state in either sex,

Teaching a child homosex

Nervous laughter.

What about the people who are born with full or partial of both male and female sex organs?

And since it is a fact that happens, it is logical that if it happens in the physical aspects of gender, it also happens in the other variables that make a person a male, female, or a combo of both.

Why do you say that

Pitious laughter.

You have to realize you’re already on the wrong side of history.

Why would I care if kids know gays exist? Most gay people already know they are gay when they are kids and it will help them not feel so isolated and different.

What has those rare instances of congenital / physical defects to do to justify putting up with the lunacy of people at odds with reality?

When exactly did the comedy and satire of the past become the present’s “hold my beer!”?


Gender is not just the physical sex organs.

It is complicated.

FYI 2% of people are born redheads. about 2% people are born intersex.

We can either treat people that do not fit the idea of “normal”, (which also means left handed people, red reads, blind, etc…) as people that are just different…

Or we can cling to outdated myths about these folks…and treat them as freaks, and put them in a sub-human category, and treat them like crap.

Oh, it didn’t used to always be. But the Cultural Marxism which is the cornerstone of what the Left has become was designed by the Marxist to produce a West incapable of sustaining civilization, nation or even the human race and it’s driving people crazy.

Why do you think there’s this thread at all? Why are things people once considered obvious now considered knuckle dragging backwards?

Or, as I just put it in another post: When exactly did the comedy and satire of the past become the present’s “hold my beer!”?

No, it isn’t complicated.

It’s people pushing psychological gobbledygook, that what it is.

And freaks aren’t sub-human. It’s just foolish to restructure society to avoid hurting their feelings.


Yes, it is.

Have a good day.