Why am I not surprised?

The right has a huge brain rot problem


Yeah, people that believe outrageous facts with little to no evidence are complete morons.

Yep. Attack the messenger. Never mind the message. Attaboy!

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Like elections being stolen via massive fraud?

Here’s another question. Where are these 20,000+ troops being housed?

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Yeah OK…

Gee, I know someone else who did that for 10 weeks. Fortunately, he’ll be out of politics as of Wednesday.

You can thank your brethren for that…

Starting to look more and more like third world dictatorship…one that fears it’s people.

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I think that irony is lost on most people…

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Russia collusion again?

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No, something with a lot less evidence…

“Stop the steal”

Why? Are you claiming Conan is somehow connected to the people responsible for what happened in Washington DC? Or some other meaning?


Very very similar.
Remember…Horowitz: FBI started the investigation based on “credible allegations” as the standard.


You believe people who refuse to prove their accusations that Republican Congress people helped plan this and are now planning on killing their dem counterparts?

That’s scary, not funny.

That you actually believe those people telling you their fellow Republican colleagues are going to kill them is something I can’t even put words to.


Sure hope nobody gets violent over such heated and without any shred of proof language or they will all go to jail for incitement.

We might need to build new prisons.

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Yes, they was giving tours when the capitol was closed…to their own families…but hey, traitors! Terrorists! They want to kill us!

Proverbs 28:1
“The wicked flee when no one pursues…”

I heard an interview of one of the falsely accused legislators today, they was allowing their own families in to tour the capitol.

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Nice backhand you have there.

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Not one of them are our brethren on the right, are the antifa & BLM people who was ALSO ARRESTED over the capitol riot your brethren?


Sanders IS unhinged. Always has been.