Who Will Harris Pick as VP When She Assumes Presidency?

In that case we won’t have a VP.


The Biden admin better hope the Afghanistan coverage doesn’t boost CNN’s and others ratings after dropping near 75%. If this does raise ratings they are likely to keep pumping it like they did with orange man.


oh good point. as long as criticizing one democrat helps another though. which in this case it does

While we’re being silly, she will pick Gavin Newsome and Pete Buttigieg as co-triumvirs

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Gavin Newsome makes sense.

for anyone still interested in being an adult and discussing the topic, here’s Rep Jackson saying Biden will not be pres for long

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She’ll just declare herself Queen for life…And we’ll all live happily ever after in the land of unicorns and rainbows…:grin:

like i said…

any adults interested in sharing thoughts…

No, that wouldn’t happen. The Senate would not change.

A 50-50 split means nether party has control without the tie-breaking vote from the VP. Nothing can pass without a majority.

The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided. US Constitution, Article 1, Section 3

But your post assumes Harris will pick someone to take her place. She’d pick a democrat. Nothing would change.

Yeah the “scum bag trash” line called for an adult discussion

Too cute.

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it will be pete butiwhatever, she gets a “woman” who’s not a threat.


you forgot lolipops

That guy is a loon.

What a lousy thing to say.

i don’t need your approval.

just awful

there’s nothing awful about it. lots of women like gay men around, they’re less of a threat than other women and they can get hair and make up advice. for them its like having a friend girl who you don’t have to worry about your husband with (providing of course he’s not on the DL)

OMG awful.