Who will Biden pick for a running mate? I think I know

Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer. How do I know? Isn’t it obvious? She’s the prettiest.

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mayor pete?

oh whitmer

yeah probably

“momny dearest” is just the kind of coddling the baby left needs

Her hair probably smells better.



are you sure?

The empty fat suit.

Not completely. But she’s a lot cuter than Stacey Abrams. Yes?

yes, but so is resting (and active) BF ka-malll-la

but not michelle. lol

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Does Michelle want the job? That would be the first qualifier. I have seen no indication that she does.

Or could be the fact that there’s a story out today that they’ve talked to her already…

Who else has he talked to? Is she the only one?

Thanks for that.

Who else has he talked to? Is she the only one? Did he already pick her?

everyone but her it seems.

but you cant trust anything a democrat says of course.

everything’s part of some grand corrupt plan.

I think she’s pretty happy with her world in the Hamptons. Working for Biden is probably not her dream job. I think she already has her dream job.


but she is still young

might be a matter of chance of winning too. losing to trump destroyed hillary. she might not want that albatross around her neck

we’ll see her again. hell maybe even hussein himself again.

and you can bet miss chelsea too

Sen Tammy Duckworth for one.

Joe will pick the person his party masters tell him to pick…


He will be told Kamala Harris.

She would be perfect fit…a totalitarian that wouldn’t hesitate one moment in use paid thugs to go after those that won’t submit.

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so Mike Pence will refuse to debate because he can’t be stage with woman who isn’t his wife.