Carron Phillips of Deadspin, a sports news website, claimed that a 10-year-old Kansas City fan was racist because he appeared in blackface and a headdress. He demanded that the NFL address the problem.
The boy’s mom recently came forward in response. It turns out that the boy is native American, and the photo in the Deadspin article failed to show that the other half of the boy’s face was painted red to match the colors of the team.
Was Phillips’s article just an honest mistake based on limited evidence?
Or was he demonstrating his own racism by running with the story without researching the facts?
When there’s no racism to speak of, then just make some up knowing there’s plenty of "V"irtuous people that will see it.
The good news is, this journalist is taking a lot of heat for his bull feces he labeled racist regarding this young boy. He was simply doing what others have done for decades.
Now it’s being told that the boy’s grandfather is an American Indian and that this is the new Nick Sandmann case all over again. If so, that young man just became a multimillionaire.
They have to have a steady stream of stories with the word racist in them whether it’s true or not…
It’s an election year, so that’s the narrative and that’s why it’s called fake news. Both side know the news is fake. It’s just that the left likes the lies…
Similar to taking black people off of rice boxes and pancake boxes, while white people can stay on boxes. Sounds more like a plan a white supremacist would come up with.
His face paint was half and half, not an uncommon native style. And news flash, no one owns the “color” black. It also seems that red and black are two of the colors traditionally associated with the Chumash tribe, who apparently his Grandfather is a serving elder in. If you look at the picture of him at the game, you will see he is wearing a black long sleeve shirt under his red Chiefs jersey, color coordinated to match the half and half paint he is wearing. This seems to be nothing more than an angry hateful bigot, with a chip on his shoulder looking to be offended.