Who shot Ashli Babbitt?

Honestly … What are you talking about? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

This has been answered dozens of times. No, she should not have tried to climb through the window. But what we are discussing is should Byrd have shot her for it. And the answer to that is a resounding NO!

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Your assertions are not verifiable on the video.

So again, did you hear antyhring Byrd said or not? Yes or no.

You’re also going to shoot at them (if you shoot at them) from behind some cover if at all possible. You’re likely not going to approach them out in the open to begin firing.

I have strong disagreement with people who claim the cop was a coward for not standing out in the open.

The backpack is irrelevant unless someone pairs reaching into it with it being there. At which point I would draw my service weapon (M1911A1) as I waited to see what came out in the persons hand Your weak hypothetical has nothing to do with how it works in the real world, unless you are speaking about those without the discipline and spine to do their job right.

100% is. Don’t gaslight me.

At 15 seconds on this video

You can also clearly see the officers gun pointed at the mob around 22 seconds.

You still didn’t actually read what happened. There is no indication he tried to breach the grounds of the White House. He walked up to an officer outside the grounds, focused on the officer and went out of his way to tell that officer he was supposedly armed, and then acted as if he had a weapon and was going to shoot the officer. What it actually sounds like is an attempt at suicide by cop. The highlighted sentence is a response to what is actually a question devoid of attachment to what happened.

As for the other part, None were ever in imminent danger.

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Quit deflecting. What I asked you was did you hear anything that Byrd claims to have said on thst video?

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Here’s where I have a problem. Where did he CHOOSE to place himself? Was it front and center, right behind the guards standing on the other side of the door, gun drawn, plainly visible to those on the other side so that all understood…do not come through those doors? The answer is no. He was hiding, way off to the side, unseen by most everyone there. If what he was doing, was so important that she should be shot, then the officers on the other side should have never left their post. There was NO imminent danger that motivated this. Not in the picture frame, were multiple officers standing right behind them, just down the entrance way, with AR-15s that could have handled any danger.

always hold quackery up to ridicule.

the link posted is total quackery.


So then if Babitt had a bomb in her pack, you still think she should not have been shot because the officer couldn’t know that for sure?

Is that your position?


You can’t separate the events of the day from the shooting.

If she had a bomb in her back pack, should could have blown the place up.

Normalizing police shootings.

A mod has said that’s off topic.

Someone should start thread comparing this cop shooting to other cop shootings we have debated in teh past.

If I have time later today I’ll start it.

If it’s a bomb, she wouldn’t need to reach into the pack to detonate it.

Where most every could see him… start at 15 seconds…

You can clear see everyone around the door yell “he has a gun” or some variation. You can also clearly see the gun in that video… which was a harder angle to see than from where Babbitt was.

Why would someone be stupid enough to expose themselves to a violent mob? This is the dumbest take I ve heard.

Not true… see above. “But BLM” won’t work here.

You’re either purposefully lying or acting stupid but either one does not warrant a response. Bye. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Did you watch the video? I know the cat guy isn’t telling you… but the video is unbelievable clear. Everyone standing at that door saw a gun, yelled that they saw a gun… but Babbitt still decided it was a good idea to proceed through a broken window.

Many, many, many times and he was hiding, way off to the left…NOT FRONT AND CENTER DOING HIS JOB! He ran up to her, hands shaking and then shot her at almost point blank range. Her feet weren’t even on the ground and she fell BACKWARDS. This guy is a murdering criminal…PERIOD.