Who knew that Sweden and Poland would be leading the fight for free speech?

I know, crazy right? Populists in those countries are demanding not to be cancelled. Well good for them! I wish them nothing but success. I hope this movement goes global. But they are in for a fight. If their opposition uses the successful U.S. model, the populists will be labeled as “white supremacists.” As the democratic party loves to do here. And as you know, this can be a below the belt knockout punch. It does seem to work at silencing people. But I hope not. Maybe they will not resort to this level of sleaze overseas.

This below idea is brilliantly simple. Common sense at it’s finest.

“Only illegal content should be deleted from social media. Illegal threats, for example, are just as illegal if they occur on the internet or on the street. Suspensions or removal of content with reference to crime should be subject to review by a Swedish court,”

Best wishes to the freedom lovers of Europe!

Swedish Populists Call for Guarantee of Free Speech on Social Media (breitbart.com)

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…but, but…what about lib defined “hate speech”?

It’s covered.

Illegal threats, for example, are just as illegal if they occur on the internet or on the street.

It would be up to a court to decide.

Not to be pessimistic but in our new world order where the MSM is lib, social media is lib, the House is lib, the Senate is lib and the WH is lib and chaos is the new lib norm, I don’t ever see this getting to the point of going to a court.

It’s not being proposed here. It’s a Swedish thing.

Don’t forget states.

I am not surprised that a political party that has a neo Nazi problem would want to force private platforms to carry their message.

Not surprised at all.


Yes! Republicans have been bullied and intimidated by democratic name calling and labeling for far too long. Few will stand up for themselves. I’m happy to see that DeSantis is punching back.

This is going nowhere, we both know it.

I chuckled.

The irony of this post is astonishing

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Me too! :+1:

Awesome! The first liberal reply does exactly as I predicted. Like clockwork!


If their opposition uses the successful U.S. model, the populists will be labeled as “white supremacists.”

Quoted for irony…

Nah man. Swedish Democrats have a Neo Nazi problem.

They are like the National Front in France or Golden Dawn in Greece.

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Well you do have a choice you know? I am not insisting that you like it. In fact, I would be astonished if you did. You are free to go to a less “ironic” thread if you choose. Your cancel culture has no authority here…Yet. Sorry bout cher luck.

Stay astonished my friend!


Ohhh cancel culture… scary.

C’mon man!

How do you like this idea? Good?

“Only illegal content should be deleted from social media. Illegal threats, for example, are just as illegal if they occur on the internet or on the street. Suspensions or removal of content with reference to crime should be subject to review by a Swedish court,”

Yep… and being a far right Nationalist revaunchist isn’t illegal.

Should a private platform be forced to carry their speech if they don’t want to?


Make your own damn platform.

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Sure, if you also extend it to brick and mortar stores. Would be interesting to see how people react when I jump on the Walmart PA and start singing ■■■