Who and why are you chosing between Presidential candidates?

Trump is the most authoritarian President in US history. His supporters have an authoritarian streak a mile wide.




This thread is about presidential candidates, and the post to which I replied was about a presidential candidate.

Trump hasn’t promoted the tactic of court packing. And what he HAS done is NOT packing the courts (under its true meaning).

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Already responded to that. Please keep up.

He is part of a political party whose only mission has become packing courts. That is more than enough reason to vote for biden to hold these people accountable for their policy.

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You made that up.

Now stay on topic.

You’re right.

He is part of a political party whose only mission has become packing courts and making record deficits by cutting taxes

More accurate? Because I haven’t seen them propose anything substantive in the past ten years otherwise.

But Trump is authoritarian on their side, so they smear Vaseline on the lens, squint really hard and pretend he’s for freedom.

There’s that, and then there’s the people who are so butt hurt about what libz call them they just do the “nih uh, you are!” Thing no matter how little sense it makes.

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No, you really didn’t.

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Wrong. Your first post in the thread in no way addresses why Trump uttey failed to repeal Obamacare. Not even in the slightest.

Had I known Obama would escalate global conflicts, I would’ve voted for him the first time around. I never liked John McCain from the first time I ever saw him on TV.

Ahh but Biden won’t be pulling the strings.

The Biden of old is a moderate. But mark my words, he isn’t all there and won’t be in control. We will quickly see this when the filibuster is quickly dispensed with and the SCOTUS is packed with 4 new LIB justices.

Pish Tosh, of course he will be in charge.

  1. Enforce our immigration laws, and limit them to reasonable amounts as benefits this country. We don’t need to undercut our workers, professional or unskilled. I’m not against immigration, but it should be planned for the benefit of this country. We cannot use it to limit the poverty of other countries…it won’t work.
  2. Free everything isn’t the answer. It all has to be paid for by somebody. Whether its free college, free healthcare or free food. We need a safety net and a boost, but not free everything because there is no such thing.
  3. Sound strict constructionist judges that can’t be used to enforce leftist ideas that are not supported by the people.
  4. Stop being the world’s policeman and judge for the world. This doesn’t get us the respect some seem to think it does. Stay in treaties like NATO, but as a partner, not the guy paying for the whole thing.
  5. When dealing in trade and other negotiations with other countries be fair, but don’t cave so the other country will like us. They wont.
  6. Don’t use the federal treasury to pay for the excess spending of some states.

7.Don’t use the federal treasury to rebuild cities of states where they would not use their own police power to stop arsons and lootings…or not even seek federal aid to put an end to the riots.

  1. Don’t try to use race hatred over things that happened over 150 ago to stir up division for the purpose of gaining votes.

I’m sure there are a lot more reasons to vote for Trump…but that’s just what I could think of right now.


uh huh. If the left wing was in control - Wouldnt the have then nominated a left wing person?

He wont pack the court -but i now support removing the filibuster -Or at least go back to how it was before the changes made in 70’s as well as making DC and PR a state and making the senate Democrat for a generation.

Republicans have made it clear that as long as something is not unconstitutional and your party is in control, anything goes and you can ignore all precedent and ignore the minority party - ignore any promises you made before and do whatever you want, as long as its not unconstitutional.

Republicans made the rules yesterday -Dont be made when we play within those rules.

Undecided about DC statehood but support PR getting statehood, it is long overdue.

Also not so hot on getting rid of the filibuster, but there needs to be reform on it so it cannot be used as a tool to get nothing done. I like Safiel’s suggestion that any nomination is confirmed if the Senate cannot vote on it after 120 days, good idea.

I get the uneasy about the filibuster. But lets not pretend this is some historical thing that should not be touched.
the Modern Fillbuster came to be in the 70’s. Thats when the senate rules changed so a senator just had to say they would filibuster, not actually have to do it. Became much easier then.

Halt to Diversity training