Who All Is Listening In On the Presidents Phone

wait for it…


“How.”. Important word. “How.”

Too funny.

Twitter is public… LMAO!. The Russians can just read them.

Oh, look some guy said. No wonder the media is shooting blanks these days. lol!


It’s insane.

BTW: I’ve seen people dispute this. The Twitter for iPhone tag, which is real on the Trump tweet, is visible when you use the Tweetdeck app.

Oh I know.

DEms are upset because Trump tweets on a cell phone. I guess they don’t realize tweets are for anyone to read. They are not secret. See, lefty? No, they won’t get it.


Just more Proof the Caravan October surprise is failing…

This story has nothing to do with trumps tweeting. It has everything to do with his other uses of a personal cell phone, on which he also happens to sweet.

This is like 3rd grade level analysis.

not if you ignore every point of the story except the twitter.

^ immigrant caravan Tourette’s. Can we get a Benghazi for throwback Thursday?

Obviously this story is bs - his tiny hands couldn’t even hold an Iphone.

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