White Supremacist gets life plus 419 years in deadly Charlottesville car attack

You asked if anyone on this board had tried to defend the actions of the murderer. I provided a link to such a post. You said it was a question, I said questions are often statements in disguise. You said libs do that. What are you even arguing about at this point?


Seems to me if this guy indeed used his vehicle to mow down people he got just what he deserved.

I do remember after this happen that some was discussing the possibility that he was trying to get away from the mob/crowd.

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Seems to me you’re talking about Antifa.

So all those that were protesting about destruction of statue are Nazis?

The Unite the Right Rally was organized by White Supremacists, featuring White Supremacist speakers for the express purpose of furthering the cause the White Supremacy.

Here is one of the “posters” for it on the internet.

Here is another.

Every single one of those speakers are White Supremacists or self identified NAZIs.

So please… let us not pretend what the rally was about and what the purpose of it was.

It offends anyone’s intelligence to try to make it something that it wasn’t.

Those posters were made by a few lone wolf nutjobs who tried to piggyback onto a peaceful protest about preserving Southern heritage.

Nazis are to a society like cancer cells are to the body - if you just stop giving them attention, they go away.


So protesting tearing down Robert E Lee statue had nothing to do with it?

You didn’t start with a legalistic argument until after i pointed out you had drifted into insults. If your question was serious you would have called me out initially, right now it just smacks of deflection.

My experience here is that once a person trots the insults out, that is a signal that productive discussion is done.

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Not really.

Fields was an admitted racist white supremacist.

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People who attended that event are probably White Supremacists.

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Fields Jr should be hit/run over by a car and die in the same manner as Heather died.

This guy is disgusting and why should taxpayers pay for this POS to remain alive in a prison?

If people stay away from such demonstrations, how are they able to shout them down? Not really helpful if you stay at home and shout in your shower.

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That didn’t work in Germany, did it?

Who made the decision to “tear down” the Robert E. Lee statue?
Was the Robert E. Lee statue truly “torn down”?
If it was “torn down”, what did they do with the pieces? Melt them down for reuse?

This is New York Times open headlines

The Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, Va., was at the center of a violent rally this past weekend.

Some came out to protest the statue removal…are they all white supremacist? So preserving our history and arts is now white supremacy?

At the center of the chaos is a statue memorializing Robert E. Lee. It depicts the Confederacy’s top general, larger than life, astride a horse, both green with oxidation.

So did they came out to preserve it? Or are they all white supremacist?

People who knowingly march with Nazis are not good people.


So you’re now admitting that all that came out are not Nazis or white supremacist?

I have strong opinions about things too, but if I went to a protest and a large group of (literally) Nazis showed up to protest with me, I would find another way to make my voice heard. If you march with Nazis, you support Nazis.