White House pulls CNN Acosta’s pass

Still don’t believe in media bias?? Go and check out my other thread about no daylight between the mainstream media and the dimocrat party.

No one could even provide one example. Just a bunch of distractions.

Good answer, but I disagree. Given Donald’s past admission that he loves bombast and exaggeration as a marketing/persuasion tool, and given his repeated pattern of lying about nearly anything, it’s perfectly reasonable to conclude this was a deliberate attempt on the part of the Whote House to make Acosta’s movements look more aggressive than they really were.

You had to go there…

Is that whataboutism?

Do you really think, as a Donald Trump supporter, he should ever start a sentence like that?

No. It’s "Why are Trump supporters upset about Acosta’s behavior when they’re OK with Trump acting badly"ism. Trying to find out why Trump supporters don’t hold Trump to the same standard they hold Acosta isn’t “wahtaboutism.” Whataboutism is when Trump supporters justify a thing Trump does by pointing to Obama, despite criticizing Obama for doing that thing, for example. Whataboutism is NOT “why aren’t you holding Trump to the same standard you hold Acosta?”


Why don’t you believe Trump’s pushing deserves push back from Acosta and others? Why is Trump allowed to push but not Acosta?

Wow, acosta actually filmed the face of the Secret Service officer who confiscated his credentials. That seems very unnecessary and I think outside of what the press usually tries to avoid doing.

This guy is off his meds. An unhinged resistance lunatic.

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Because the intern reached into his personal space to try yank away the mic. Her fault.

Yes. Now that’s out of the way, what is Donald’s responsibility here, not in this specific instance, but in terms of overall climate?

Has he fostered and promoted a hostile relationship with the media?

Is his demeanor reflective of someone calm, patient, diplomatic?

Do his past actions and comments command respect from others?

As POTUS what has his leadership been like on the issue of honesty and civility?

Yes. He filmed someone. That’s just insanity. What’s next? A tweet? A blog post? A facebook rant? This man must be stopped. It’s only a matter of time before he speaks ill of the president to a coworker or family member. Then what do we have? Anarchy? The Purge? A New Holocaust? I mean this guy is right on the edge of the destruction of civilization.


Daily? Do you know how many press conferences trump has held?

As I said, you comparing apples to oranges.

I’ll compare Trump’s record to what I expected when I voted for him as an entire package along with how he acts.

I didn’t vote for Acosta, I don’t have a say in what Accosta does, but I expect him to act more mature as a reporter.

Your comparing apples to oranges.

We’ll test your TV knoledge here.

They give him the press pass back, and he continues to be an obnoxious ass, Trump administration should “Murphy Brown” him.

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So you are happy the White House “Press secretary” issued a fake doctored video to back up her case? simple yes or no answer @ohknow35

Once Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh and Fox News labeled certain media people enemies of Americans, what did we expect?

If you want to see if Americans think they’re really enemies (as Trump insists) read this thread.

Here’s what’s really happening. Donald Trump has used his ability to influence people so that they will run cover for him during this investigation. He’s damn good at that. He gets people emotional. He knows what buttons to push.

Bravo to him for that.

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Jim Acosta should be arrested for assaulting the woman who was simply doing her job.

Inappropriate touching, and strong arming a female staffer… He should be fired.

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fired isn’t nearly far enough. If a journalist from infowars or breitbart did this, the dimmies would be holding hearing after hearing, ruining people’s lives.

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Well, at least he should at least be fired… That’s what dems would be demanding, if it was the reverse…
…Has he apologized for his strong arm tactics used on the intern?

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he needs to apologize to trump too

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When is the media going to tone down its rhetoric? Shall we play chicken or egg any further?

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