White Castle to move forward with Automated Grill

They already make a nifty raised bed bot for growing food.

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Keep that research coming! I’ve got some fruit trees that could use robotic slervants too. lol

Some young buck did in my new apple tree saplings last fall, have to replace them this spring.

Life imitating art…



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So a thought, just to throw this out there, but what happens to a true fully automated to table food merchant if some hacker increases the portion size where the patties are made but they can hide the fact from the boys in accounting?

Does that guy have six or seven toes on his left foot?

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Cool! Now my $20 a pound tomatoes can be $1,500 a pound.

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I expect not so far in the future to see interior automated produce added to new and existing homes. Looking forward to it. Not currently up to scale so of course it’s more expensive but will be far cheaper later.

And the FDA will claim jurisdiction to regulate it.

More likely to discourage it to protect farmers. Think how great it would be though to grow all your produce, pesticide free and year round at minimal cost with no labor as opposed to expensive shipped aged produce.

Cats will love the growing boxes.

They won’t have access. Easy to seal it away, and it won’t be dirt anyway, hydroponic.

Some guy stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from Home Depot. And he did it over years by simply swapping out real money for fake money.

When there is a will, there is always a way. It’s also why smart businesses carry insurance. :wink:

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You wouldn’t just automate it and walk away anyway.

True, but if a guy can steal money undetected from Home Depot, how do you stop a hacker from doing as Rundyne suggested?

Yeah, it’s going to happen. It’s why you carry insurance.

Sensors, cameras, in person quality control and auditing. And of course, fewer employees, fewer potential crooks.

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Home Depot did all of that, and they still got hit.

You do the best you can, but realize no matter how good you are, someone is going to find a weak spot and exploit it. That’s why you carry insurance.

Sorry kids. Good luck being an influencer.

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Looks like store staff will shrink to about 5 people a shift. No front counter, no drive through staff, just a manager and some food prep/general maintenance staff. Just wait till the automated food prep kicks in.