While you were sleeping, NATO almost died

Engineering for defense

So you work for a defense company? Are you an engineer or other kind of worker bee?

Or are you the president of the company or someone in a management capacity dealing directly with NATO?

Holy cow, the loss of those puppet state military’s would end the empire! Or not.

Harold Ramos, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd - Gohstbusters 1984

Ok. You likely have the original source then.

It just occurred to me that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Then it’s not your area of expertise because it did get taxed plus I was charged a supposed, one time, additional $1,800.00 Obamacare tax that lasted for 3 years.

You better ask your accountant about that then because nowhere can I find any regulation that allows the government to tax employer contributions to employees’ health plans.

There is the “Cadillac Tax” but that’s for health plans whose premium costs exceed a pretty high threshold (~$10,000 for employee, ~$27,000 or so for a family coverage plan).

There’s just one catch though- that tax isn’t scheduled to take effect until 2020.

It is my area of expertise which is why I know you’re wrong. If you can provide any source referring to this change, I’ll happily admit that I’m incorrect.

Woah, we have a $5+ billion dollar trade deficit with Russia? Tariff time!

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It isn’t necessary. It’s done, paid, taxed and now over with…thanks to Trump.

Trump would never tax Russian hookers. We know he exempts items and things he views as important for him and his family personally. Look at how his own personal goods, along with Ivanka’s goods, escape taxes. :joy:

Why are there US troops in Afghanistan?

It didn’t happen. Maybe you think it did, but it didn’t.

This is one of Trump’s greatest strengths. Making people believe he did something.

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Hell- that’s what Trump supporters’ posts in this thread are about.

They all believe he got NATO to “pony up”…when all that happened is they reaffirmed the goals and timelines they set in 2014.

Of course Trump is so powerful, I bet the things he does have effects that propagate backwards in time!

Plus, Rush and Fox will tell them all that Trump played hardball and got them to pony up. People like you, who are telling the truth, will be shouted down.

…and your arrogance is unmatched.

Is that all you got?

If you can produce evidence to back up what you’re saying, now is the time.

But all you do is produce personal attacks.

Can I…yes. Will I go dig up records to prove I’m right to you? No. Even if I did, your arrogance would come up with some other bull feces that I’d be even less interested in hearing.

It’s not arrogance.

We’ve provided supporting evidence for our assertions.

You’ve provided nothing but your word…plus in the past you have stated you don’t know much about your taxes until you speak to your accountant.

So, seeing as there are no regulations on the books allowing taxation of employer contributions to employee health plans, we suggest you check with your accountant as to what actually was taxed.

Or you could produce the regulation that shows this “Obamacare Tax” on employer contributions.