Frankly, I understand Reeves’ frustration. NYS Pistol created a ridiculous standard of review that was entirely unnecessary.
ALL that was necessary was to reiterate that THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, apply a strict scrutiny standard and keep the ■■■■■■■ history out of it.
That was all that was needed. TEXTUALISM.
But no, they had to go the originalist route and now we have a total cluster ■■■■ brewing.
A Federal Court has already struck down a Federal law prohibiting possessing of weapons by those under felony indictment.
Now we may very well see the law against convicted felons in possession struck down.
Reeves is right on one point to be sure. Lawyers and Judges are not historians and should not have to play historians to decide cases.
There was no need for the originalism. The Constitutional text was unambiguous.
Nothing ambiguous in the slightest. A textualist reading would have taken less than a second.
All that was necessary was apply a mandatory strict scrutiny standard and all would have been fine. Because the language was unambiguous, there was ZERO REASON to inquire into either the history or the intent of the framers.
When the Constitution or a statute is unambiguous, you go with the text and ignore the rest.
Instead, we have the real possibility that courts will have to appoint historians to track down the historical record on the issue.
Because Thomas wanted to play originalist games.
Here is a bit of advice to you, Mr. Justice.
Keep it simple stupid.
Stop with the originalism and stick with textualism.
Had you done so, RKBA would be protected, but we wouldn’t be looking at arming felons.
Unfortunately, the Supreme Court may very well have to turn around and undo NYS Pistol and replace it with a textualist based decision that lower courts can actually rationally follow.
Hate to say it, but Thomas screwed the pooch with this one. And it was a 100% unforced error and 100% unnecessary.
Yes, I am an unapologetic textualist.
Runaway originalism is just as bad as living constitutionalism.
ONLY where the text is ambiguous should history or intent be discerned. And only as much as is necessary to resolve the ambiguity. No ambiguity, follow the ■■■■■■■ text.