Which Monuments, Which Cities?

Fortunately you are wrong and they didn’t destroy it, they defaced it and I believe its already been cleaned.

Turns out mobs aren’t accurate… who knew?

Oh well hell, never mind then.

I’ll state it as a positive: Turns out mobs and the people who make them up are stupid.

They also defaced the tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the grave of a MOH awardee.

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Move the monuments to traitors and losers, or have them destroyed.

Eh… I’d say that people in mobs aren’t inherently stupid, but that mob mentality easily leads to poor decisions.

I still stand by my original statement that the intention is to target CSA related monuments and statues, even if they have ■■■■■■ that up.

I’d say they are stupid and the stupidity is exponential as the mob is formed.

It was only a couple years ago that conservatives were telling us that only a few crazed malcontents cared about the tearing the confederate statues down. Doesn’t seem to be the case today.

Soooo your good with vandalism, arson, murder…

Sorry how much destruction is enough?

There are no excuses for the destruction and intimidation…

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What I am “good with” or “not good with” is not the subject of the question I asked.

I asked you why you think blacks are anti-police.

The riots and destruction are a symptom, not a root cause.

Indeed, it’s the incessant focus on symptoms that assure the root causes will never be addressed and the problems will never go away.

So I ask again- why do you think blacks are anti-police?

Lumping those two men together is wrong on every level.

One was tortured to death for no good reason, the other was absolutely justifiably killed.

No argument with the rest.

That was just an asinine claim nobody could possibly believe.

All one has to do is turn on the damned news to see how asinine it is.

These morons need to be learning about those statues instead of tearing them down or otherwise defacing them.

This though is “progressiveness” approaching it’s zenith.

China, Cuba, Russia, in each of them the mob had to be incensed to the point they’d tear down every vestige of the previous culture that existed so the communists can rewrite history to make “The Party” everything to “The People”.

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Rayshard Brooks was absolutely not justifiably killed.

That’s just dumb.

Being drunk and acting like an idiot is not justification for killing him…he was of no immediate threat to anyone.

Except of course BLM and it’s supporters who got violent when other protesters started the “ALL LIVES MATTER” protests who where then shamed, shouted down, and even attacked for doing so.

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He was an armed multiple offending violent felon who was shot while firing his taser at a cop.

That’s a justifiable shooting in every jurisdiction in the US.

He was not armed, and he was running away- there was absolutely no person in immediate physical danger.

And he wasn’t a “repeat violent offender”. he had mostly misdemeanor charges and one battery charge.

This makes him a crook, not a violent felon.

Again…this is the problem with policing in this day and age…and why it is going to be so difficult to solve the problems.

He was armed with a taser which he fired at the nearest officer.

Everything he did from the moment he began the fight with the cops was a violent felony.

It was a completely justifiable shooting in every jurisdiction in the us, he was armed and a continuing threat to both LEO’s and the public at large.

In some cases, using “All Lives Matter” is a direct attack on the BLM movement. It’s an attempt to further trivialize the treatment of black people in America. When that happens, it should be corrected and shouted down. When “All Lives Matter” comes from a good place, it just needs to be corrected.

What a bunch of mealymouthed BS.

First you claim “All Lives Matter” and then you say it’s an attack and needs to be corrected.


Trivialize? Let’s talk about how many actual unlawful shootings of blacks there were each of the last five years.

You go can go first.

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You gonna be ok?

Yes, all lives matter. Full stop. But as a movement, “All Lives Matter” was born as a reaction to the BLM movement. Mostly an attempt to co-opt and subjugate black voices and their struggles. Saying “All Lives Matter” trivializes the struggles of blacks and their attempts to be heard and recognized.

So all lives matter but we cant’ say it because it upsets blacks.

Makes perfect sense.

How many unjustified killings of blacks by LEO’s have there been this year? How many have LEO’s and prosecutors failed to address.

How many last year? How many each of the previous four years?

Pointing out the facts isn’t trivializing anything, all it does is show the fallacy of their claims and their “movement”.

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