Where is Trumpcare (now that Trump has addressed the pressing issue of his number of Twitter followers with the CEO of Twitter)?

Where is this grand health care system that Donald Trump promised us on day one? Why is he screwing around with things like Twitter and also trashing American businesses/people? Where are these brilliant people that are supposed to draw up this brilliant new health care law?

And why does the deficit continued to explode?

There is no Trump care. He never had a plan and was just talking out the side of his neck, pretty much selling his flock snake oil per usual.

The GOP had years to come up something to replace a piece of legislation that had its origins from their party. Kind of hard to implement a new law without sounding just like the old/current law. LOL!

Hang on. Trump was lying?

Seriously, not literally!

Dumpster Donnie, his social media status is too important right now. Don’t bother him.

He was joking.

I wish the libzes could take jokes. :wink:


I can’t believe Trump would tell me he had a plan ready to go on day one when he didn’t. I’m shocked, I tell you - shocked!!

Ok, not really.


Why are you all hating on fat donald? He promised everyone that we would get our trump healthcare after 2020!

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Con-artists gonna con.

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