Where is the Equality in Chapel Hill?

I don’t understand.

Is a luxury car equal to a similarly priced four wheel drive truck?

Ah so. Does it want to be?

Only when it’s stuck in the mud.

Why would anyone try to drive a luxury car in the mud?

That sounds like something a woman would do. :wink:

It’s usually a rash emotional decision in the heat of the moment.

Should he be?

So a woman.

Well yeah, did you think the luxury car was the guy?

Yes, there’s a double standard applied to women when it comes to assaulting the opposite sex. Do we really need to have this conversation?

So it’s ok for an equal person to respond with violence to “provocation” as long as they are small?

That’s all we can do. There is video evidence of an unprovoked physical attack. I would give her a 1000 dollar fine, and six months in prison. I would suspend the prison time if she agrees to community service and to see a shrink for a year to help her with her anger issues. I hope everything works out for her. She’s got a tough road ahead if she does not get help.

She obviously has anger issues that need to be addressed. And she believes that violence is an expectable way to express her anger. If she gets zero consequences for this and zero psychological help, the odds of her crashing again are probably sky high. She should have scheduled an appointment to see a shrink yesterday.

She needs a court ordered mental evaluation.

“Sure…If the roles were reversed, and it was a man hitting a woman, would he have been cited and released?”

Actually, keep in mind this was 1990, but at least during that time period, yes. Battery on wives & girlfriends was considered a misdemeanor, and these men generally made bail within a few hours. First job out of college was at a counseling program for battered women & offenders, btw.

But as to your question of an unprovoked assault at a place like UNC Chapel Hill by a man against a woman within the last year, my guess is no. He would be expelled from school if not in jail, IMO.

Consider this wretch: https://www.cnn.com/2017/08/03/us/michelle-carter-texting-suicide-sentencing/index.html

I come to find out a few months ago the (bleep) had only very recently reported to the MCI Framingham, having been out on appeal. It’s reassuring Judge Moniz stated no, you must report right now and start serving your sentence, but seriously, does anyone here doubt if Michelle was Michael and her victim, Conrad, was Connie, there would have been no appeal & no bail?

I don’t. Even more conservative types, with this little so and so, felt a more appropriate sentence for her was mental institution confinement. Most likely for Michael, that wouldn’t have been an idea expressed.:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

As Orwell stated, we’re all equal, but some of us are more equal than others.

“Women only want “equality” on the positives, never the negatives.”

Is that why there are almost no female murderers on Death Row?


She may have had a bad experience, so the men in the video weren’t free to picket to express pro life views? They should have to censor themselves to placate one deranged individual?

And, having watched the video, why was the man she cussed out and assaulted a “whiny little boy”? His friends reported the incident to police, & they weren’t whining.

The First Amendment includes no sensitivity training, nor should it. Those men should have been free, without some little expletive cussing them out & assaulting them like a lunatic, to peacefully express their views.

What is common?

Spousal abuse or lying to get out of jury duty?

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No. That’s because men kill more than women and more premeditated.
