Where is the concerned citizns petition

These libs are always looking for or talking about the bogeyman. That is all they know. They have not been in the places you and I have. Peace be with you, Bro.


Who mad? My spelling is ■■■■■ I am very calm in this current situation.

You got that right!!!

Can you imagine the world ***** we’d right now right now if we had to depend on people like that in a fight?

Kinda like the swine flu.

I’ve never let those pigs rest for a minute.


I know of only one organization that is suing China for 20 trillion because of the virus and that’s Judicial Watch, the left seem more focused on Defending the Chines Communist Party for some sick reason.


The communist party of China is responsible.

Wet markets are a billion dollar industry for them.

They know full well how disease can mutate from animal to human given unsafe, unsanitary conditions but allowed it anyway.

They also knew of the highly contagious aspect of this virus and that no one has immunity. Yet, they let people travel anyway.

Yes. China needs to be held responsible. I’d be happy if our debt with them was cancelled by taking back any properties or business they own in this country.

In addition to that, we sever trade with them, until the Communist Party is overthrown and they can demonstrate a history of high quality, safe products are being produced.

Lots of panda huggers out there.


Hahaha. 829h37 gazillions. Oh my god that dum

My prediction of the response - “ not as dumb as the Russian collision hoax!!”

Pandas are cool.

Not as dumb as the DNC and Hillary funding the Steele dossier so Obama could spy illegally on Americans and using the Russian collusion hoax to try and cover it up.




Interesting. Would like to vet this article…

Yes they are my friend. Have a blessed day.

You are a wealth of information. I enjoy all your posts and hold your intellect in high regards. Have a blessed day.

Sir you are most correct in everything you think. You opinions count to every like minded individual. We can agree to disagree from time to time. Have a blessed day. Vote for Joe if you like. perhaps Cuomo may be slightly better. He understands Coronavirus more than Joe does.

Maybe a dim had six years to respond. Did the dim respond?emphasized text

You know when this is over maybe they’ll go back to some of our prior discussions where we warned that due to our open borders and “global free travel” were setting us up for just such an event.

I kinda doubt it though since they don’t want to see what they were saying in those threads.

There are a lot of fair criticisms to be made but this backbencher, partisan back biting blame game is sickening.

I am hoping that we will look at crazy open border plans, globalization and the ■■■■■■■ Chinese Communist Party and make changes. I hope the voters will hold the Squad and nuts accountable for their radical idealogy.