Where did the Monsters we see in the Fossil Record Come from?

There it is again.

Smyrna did NOT say God did this. He said it’s a possibility.

Stay true to what was actually written to keep the discussion honest.

No, he didn’t. God knows my mind and would know what would and what would not constitute a miracle for me. I’m not asking him to provide a miracle by your definition. If he is interested in converting me, he needs to provide a miracle by my definition.

In your book

That’s already been said.

Meri, I’m curious how you translate your interpretation of the Bible into billions of years. Did Adam and Eve have ancestors?

Shall we examine the ramifications of that possibility?

You have chosen your filters. And curtains. And walls.

It’s amazing what you can see if you choose to look.

You aren’t so special that God would waste His time convincing you personally. God has bigger things to worry about, like peace in the Middle East, and you think He should take time out of His busy day to do some personalized miracles for you?

Would that be necessary for the earth to be billions of years old?

Personally I’d compare it more to a hedge and I didn’t construct it but I am grateful for it. One of the very cool things in this life is when you actually do take a leap of faith, have a personal relationship with our Lord and then observe life from this new and blessed perspective. I continuously witness great things that are hard to fathom is just chance.

Precisely why I made that reply to you. :slight_smile:

Sounds like something a 9/11 Truther would say.

No, just wondering how Meri lines of the biblical creation story with science and billions of years of evolution.

That’s fine.

My point is to say that it’s not Smyrna’s onus to defend the reworded statement, or even to be assigned ownership of it (which so many here are trying to do.)

In your book.

So if God had planted fossils with the intent of making people doubt the Genesis creation story, and by extension, doubt the test of God’s word, What does that say about God?

Okay, I’m out…

See ya.

… Note, I’m really not liking this new software. Yes Mrs board nanny, that is a complete ■■■■■■■ thought. Now post the damn message.

And then refused to say whether he believed that possibility had actually taken place. Refused a simple yes or no answer. So it’s pretty clear that yes, Smyrna does believe exactly that.

God deliberately sets out to deceive his creations.

I’m reminded of the poster who responded to the question, “Why does God allow evil to exist,” by saying that God wants to show man what happens if man thinks he can rule on Earth without his, God’s, help.

Which would all be well and good if we’d ever had a fair chance at that. But God creates Satan to torment us and harass us and deceive us, so we’ll never know what the world would have been like if God hadn’t interfered and sabotaged us. (Tower of Babel).

Therefore all the suffering of the world is God’s fault. His plan. HIs desire.

And you guys worship this manipulative, needy being.

It’s not manipulative and needy is He really is The Almighty.He’s not being needy, he knows that we need Him. He’s not manipulative, He just knows that our ways are ultimately going to be our destruction.

We should not question God’s plan, because we are small beings. God knows all, is all powerful, is everything that ever was and will be. Things will make sense at the end, but only the author knows how we’ll get there.