make your kids wear a mask at home and isolate at the dinner table. I would install plexiglass sneeze shields at the dinning room table. And it is not funny that you have had great health for the past couple of years. that is cool.
Maybe, maybe not. As I remember it, this country came to a near standstill because people believed Covid was far more serious than it turned out to be. But either way, it wouldn’t have changed a thing. All truth and stringent avoidance actions would have done is moved the cases that occurred down stream. “Flatten the curve” does not reduce the area under the curve, it merely spreads it out.
The advice out of the CDC changed so fast during the first few months of the pandemic that Trump was still repeating their last advice while they were issuing new guidelines to the media. And if you remember, Biden, Pelosi and Schumer were all criticizing Trump for over reacting …
The servile left media had no idea how ironic and yet symbolic of Biden’s presidency their fawning pictures of his eating ice cream would become. As we reach $4 gas and a return of the Cold War with Russia, this is the image of the person who will “lead” us through the dark waters. What flavor does he want today?
I’m not blaming Trump. I’m just observing that vaccine skeptics seem to be predominantly Trump supporters. How would you suggest we reach them and change their mind?
Sure you are not. And your observations about vaccines and those who question the forced use is rather comical. I noticed you touch on a watered down TDS point of view. Isthis a new age SNL show?