When the iron fist of government is used to compel you to take the Covid vaccine …

That was never attempted.

It would have worked.

It was muddled by an elderly leadership team.

Alabama CHEERED the low vaxx rate:

But hey, CDC sucks, amirite or amirite?

Because of A we can’t do B is the argument of the moment from some conservatives circles.

It is blaming their own public health policy failures on something else.

Party of personal responsibility.

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Chicken and egg…why don’t they want the vaccine?

Poor messaging by CDC.

Why are you deliberately continuing to say things that aren’t true? The “elderly leadership team” is the one who set the goal, as mentioned here:

You are part of the misinformation campaign.

Try an all of the above approach to sell conviction.

People see half effort as plain as anything.

No, poor messaging from right-wing politicians, media figures, and social media memes.

It’s amazing that you WHOLLY refuse to acknowledge their almost complete culpability in sewing misinformation about the vaccine.

it is blaming something that has little impact on the overall numbers.

We have vaccinated people on this very board who are now actively arguing against vaccinations.

How and why does that happen?

It isn’t the CDC’s fault.

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I am trying to help.

I am a big advocate of the vaccine.

I find it to be remarkably safe and effective…THAT is your sell.

Quit the politics and tough talk.

What part of ALL tripped you up?

Well… because there is a perception that A is happening we shouldn’t do B is a terrible place to be in.

Oh, then surely we will be able to find your criticisms of the right-wing media spreading misinformation ALL OVER THE PLACE…right? They’re the ones sewing vaccine hesitancy, not the CDC.

You don’t need to convince me. Convince the people of Arkansas and Alabama, where tens of thousands of vaccines are expiring because people won’t get the jab.

It has been offered, encouraged, and is being GIVEN AWAY for nothing except showing up.

I agree. Stop blaming the CDC because of your need to attack all things left and defend all things right. Hold accountable those who have ACTIVELY been trying to convince people the vaccine isn’t safe.

By blaming the CDC, and REFUSING to acknowledge the role of right-wing media, politicians, and social media in anti-vaxx, you are part of the problem.

There were a lot of people afraid of Covid who trust vaccines
Trump accelerated the vaccine for them

He always said it would be for those who want to take it. It was never proposed by Trump as being for everyone, whether they want it or not.

We are congratulatory toward Trump for meeting the felt need of vaccine junkies, so they could have peace of mind. I don’t think there were many who expected the Democrats to instill continuing fear in those who were vaccinated. That kind of undermined the purpose of the whole venture and in it the Dems robbed their own constituents of peace for venal political gain.

If you can’t sell a product that most people want, maybe they don’t trust the sales reps.


If you believe this question to be irrelevant, it is proof positive you don’t understand the data with which you are dealing.

Here’s a paradox for you to think about…as the rate of vaccination increases, the percentage of COVID cases and hospitalizations that are breakthrough will also increase.

Because Delta is so contagious, this effect is being accelerated.

Everyone makes a big deal of Provincetown, where 74% of the Covid cases there were breakthrough cases.

That sounds high…until you realize the estimated percentage of people vaccinated in the crowd present the weekend of that outbreak was close to 95%.

When you run the math, you find this translates to a vaccine effectiveness of about 84%…during a special holiday event where there were huge crowds…a stress test if ever there was one.

That’s actually pretty remarkable vaccine performance.


Governors Abbott and Desantis aren’t on these boards.

Why do you think they’ll see your advice?

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Just so we’re clear, congratulations to trump for making a microchip tracking magnet vaccine that is dangerous for us. Is that about right?

The question is irrelevant because the fact is,

159 Dead, 593 Hospitalized in Illinois Breakthrough COVID Cases


5,100 Vaccinated People Acquire COVID in Massachusetts… 80 Dead

and …

COVID-19 infections, deaths growing in vaccinated people

JULY 29, 2021

New Jersey sees spike in breakthrough cases in last two weeks, data analysis shows

Are you now getting the message that vaccinated people are still getting covid, and there is a spike in the deaths of vaccinated people?


Is it not a fact President Biden is giving aid and comfort to thousands of Covid infected foreigners, who are invading our southern border?

No. That’s clearly not what I said.

And I know you knew that, because you didn’t quote my actual words in your reply.

Most people wanted the product and have taken it… The one who haven’t continued to cheer and brag about the making of the product but choose to believe the snake oil salesman out on the sidewalk that the product is no good and will hurt them… That blame lies squarely on the snake oil salesman.