When is the first debate scheduled?

And Lard of the Ramp spends his day complaining about icy steep slopes and bragging about drinking water with one hand.


I heard Trump was refusing to do them.

Same here! I also support millions of mask-less millennials packing the bars, gyms and airports. Which they are doing. :us:

Stock up on popcorn, chances are they’ll be a run on the stores before that “debate “!

You need a better news source. May I recommend FOX? :blush:

This means a fully functional, lifelike, animatronic Joe Biden figure has been built and is ready to hit the campaign trail.
The debates boosts President Trump’s re-election chances from 85-90% to 95%.

yet biden’s so senile he cant tell his wife from his sister, and needs his wife’s proctoring and direction like shes his visiting angel as he shuffles off in his slippers mumbling about bouncing the kids on his lap

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His wife would be the one with the gnawed on finger tips. It’s how he tells them apart.

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Here is another internet doctor, already diagnosed that Biden is senile. The crackpot OAN/Fox News media appreciates relaying the message.

Kinda like all the internet docs on this board diagnosing Trump. It’s a farce.

yet, this:

What I wrote was accurate. He spent half of his time at his low energy, sparely attended “rally” complaining about ramps, then demonstrated he can drink water with one hand. He threw the glass down to show how tough he was, or something like that.

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Does trump get style points for standing behind biden leering, and calling him “sleepy joe”?
Does biden get points for having stormy daniels sitting in the front row?


What the hey, why not? We’re already beyond ridiculous, what’s a little more gonna hurt?