When do polls mean anything?

lots of laughs. someone on x posted the mass exodus that happened mid speech. i saw it with my very eyes. 90 minutes at the jersey shore, the speech was way too long. lots of stuff to do at wildwood. trump would have been better served with the gettyburg address rather than war and peace.


when it says to start the mail ballot counting once the regular votes have been counted. READ PENNSYLVANIA STATE LAW!


That’s not what this article says. Also, I can’t find anything re: laws but I’m on my phone and can’t be bothered. Maybe you can post the law to support your argument.

Each county follows its own plan for handling its mail-in and absentee ballots. Votebeat sent surveys to election officials in all 67 counties about the timing of their counting efforts this year. Of the 20 counties that responded, around three-quarters of them plan to start their count at 7 a.m. on Election Day.

Some counties have different plans. Mercer County, in the western part of the commonwealth, won’t begin counting its mail ballots until the day after Election Day, said Thad Hall, that county’s director of elections. They count their mail-in ballots at the same time as they count their military and absentee ballots, he said. Berks County, north of Philadelphia, plans to do the same.

They don’t give a hoot about the law.

Anything goes to retain power.

Any state that goes past the election day counting…look out!!!

Pennsylvania ignored it’s election law in 20. Law means nothing to you guys, only the end results matter.

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You have no idea what you are opining about. Read Pennsylvania Act 77 enacted in October 2019 and upheld by the PA Supreme Court in August of 2022.

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Not going to happen unless Trump can find new voters…and massive voter drive in rural areas.

Facts area, rural people tend not to vote or even bother to register. That needs to change. With mail in ballots system they need to be registered…and follow up if their ballots haven’t been received two or three days before due date.

so massive registration drive even if it means going door to door. It’s going to be much harder for us because we are spread out…unlike libs enclaves/strongholds.


its the law

. “Three years after instituting vote by mail, Pennsylvania is one of a minority of states that don’t allow pre-canvassing of their mail ballots, in contrast with 37 states that do.”


Well said.

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Polls were pretty accurate in 2020.

The 2020 RCP Polling Average:
Pennsylvania - Biden +1.2%
Wisconsin — Biden +6.7%
Arizona ----- Biden +0.9%
Georgia ---- Trump +1.0%

The 2020 Election Results:
Pennsylvania - Biden +1.16%
Wisconsin — Biden +0.63%
Arizona ----- Biden +0.31%
Georgia ----- Biden +0.23%

The RCP Polling average only had Trump winning Georgia. If Trump had won Georgia, he still wouldn’t have had enough electoral votes to have won a 2nd term.


States such as Georgia and Pennsylvania counted election day ballots before mail-in ballots. Trump never had the lead in Arizona due to this state having counted the mail-in ballots before election day ballots. FOX News called Arizona for Biden at about 11:20 EST that night.

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Oh. Well. People like that probably shouldn’t vote anyway.

Of course you would think that…but that’s not the point. Rural republicans need to get em out to vote even if they have to go door to door to get em registered, and than ballot harvest em if ballots haven’t been returned 2 or 3 days before election day.

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You think that too.

Some Pennsylvania counties started counting mail in ballots at 7:00 am on election day. The only way for your claim to be true is election day ballots were all counted on election day by 6:59 am.

Each county follows its own plan for handling its mail-in and absentee ballots. Votebeat sent surveys to election officials in all 67 counties about the timing of their counting efforts this year. Of the 20 counties that responded, around three-quarters of them plan to start their count at 7 a.m. on Election Day.

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that was 2022. not 2020.


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Pennsylvania, one of the most important presidential battlegrounds, is among the handful of states that did not begin processing absentee ballots until Election Day morning.